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Comment Re:what is... (Score 2) 406

Well, why not let the sysadmins/network guys worry about the implications of IPv6? :)
Just get your apps v6 ready :)
Also, I suspect that a lot more people know that a "firewall" stops inbound connections than know that NAT does the same (assuming no port-forwarding-style NAT, etc).

And God no, please, NO MORE NAT. Definitely not in IPv6. We don't need it, and don't want it. It's a crock.

Comment Re:home routers (Score 1) 406

Yep. I've been wondering when Slashdot would get up to date for years now.
Trouble is, Slashdot is unashamedly "American-centric" and it always seems to be the Americans who don't want to move from IPv4 (probably because they got such a good large chunk of the v4 space due to their involvement in it).
US: IPv6 good, metric good, you can keep your 110V/60Hz weirdness if you really have to.

Comment Re:I'll happily admit... (Score 1) 406

I'm a network admin and I honestly don't know enough about it to be proficient or even comfortable.

Yep, cos it's kind of snuck up on you there, hasn't it. I mean, no-one ever heard of it until the start of this year.
People laughed when I said about a decade ago "get ahead of the curve"....

Comment Re:I'm screwed then (Score 2) 274

Download, er, I mean, buy a 70s or 80s BBC TV show called Threads. Bit cheesy in places, but it shows the aftermath of a nuclear war, and frankly, it's not pretty. No-one will look after you at all, if you can work, you can eat, if not, then you'll just die, pretty much.

Trust Aunty to make it all look so glamorous.

Comment Re:Have no page load problems (Score 2) 310

Doesn't everyone do this?

sudo echo google-analytics.com www.google-analytics.com >> /etc/hosts

My rule is that if a script from an external site slows down my page loading long enough that I can see it saying "Waiting for ..." in the status bar, then that site gets added to my hosts file.

I'm 120 miles away from my powered off laptop, otherwise I'd post you the worst offenders here.

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