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Snails On Methamphetamine 93

sciencehabit writes "Science answers the question: What happens when you put a snail on speed? From the article: 'The results suggest that meth improves memory, something that has been previously observed in creatures with large, complex brains like rats and humans. But since the snails store their memories in a simple, three-neuron network, the team hopes that studying the meth effect in these gastropods will help pinpoint how the drug's memory magnification powers work.'"

Comment Re:Their ingratitude? (Score 1) 366

Not to mention the Americans turning up late for World War II which started in 1939, not 1941. America didn't rush to protect Europe, it got involved because it was attacked by Japan. (FWIW, they were late for World War I as well. Don't know the excuse for that one)

Comment Re:LEDs are excellent idea. (Score 1) 303

Most traffic lights in Sydney are LED. As the old incandescent ones fail, they get replaced with the LED ones. I don't know what sort of power savings are achieved, but I see the repair guys a lot less at the major traffic intersection near me. Unfortunately, the streets lights are still either sodium or mercury vapour.

Submission + - AMD running dry?

SoTuA writes: Analysts report that AMD is in financial problems. The fierce battles with Intel in the past years have taken its toll, with AMD showing a important stock price drop during the last 12 months, while Intel remains steady. Reportedly AMD is cash-strapped after buying out ATi and upgrading their factories. Will AMD turn this trend around with the launch of Barcelona, or will Intel regain the ground recently lost in the CPU market?

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