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Comment Re:Oh yeah, it's "bombing" in the US alright... (Score 4, Informative) 288

That doesn't mean it's a good movie. Most of the sold out showings are because of the hype surrounding this incident. The reviews are pretty uniformly bad.

People aren't flocking to it because it looked good, or because it is good. They're going mostly to spite the group that hacked Sony and North Korea.

Comment Re:Most Unbiased Slashdot Gamergate Article (Score 2, Insightful) 556

The attempt to imply that the FBI said they were investigating pro-Gamergate people has already been destroyed in the comments (thank fuck users are still in control of the discussion here).

Destroyed in the comments? Mealy-mouthed arguments and claims of "false flag" (what the fuck is this, Infowars?) don't make a convincing argument.

there still hasn't been a single /. thread about the Gamergate scandal itself

Sure there has. Oh you mean the journalism aspect, which was never a relevant part and the actions of the gamergate horde ensured that out of the gate.

Never mind that the journalism angle that sparked the whole thing was shown to be a bullshit basis to start.

the universal news media blackout and user forum/comment censorship

Universal? Not really. It's been observed for the horrible harassment campaign it's shown itself to be (omg false flag, false flag!) And people have been basically scrubbing forums of this stuff because it tends to be a drag and largely unproductive.

the still-ongoing coordinated smear campaign that was launched on August 28 with the "Gamers are Dead" shotgun blast of hit pieces.

Yeah, yeah, giant conspiracy. Not a reaction to the torrent of abusive behavior that erupted from the gaming world once they realized there was a much wider, and diverse audience for games than their narrow worldview let them conceive of.

But please, keep banking on the misbegotten persecution complex.

Comment Re:cowardice (Score 0) 556

There was a bit of a conspiracy, because, while there's no concrete evidence

So your claims are baseless and hollow.

it appeared that a few of the 'victims' were working really hard through the use of sockpuppets

IT'S A CONSPIRACY (even though we haven't a shred of evidence to prove it)! A giant conspiracy that suddenly sprung up, not a bunch of people deciding that they'd somehow been wronged by an indie developer because her boyfriend made some (apparently incorrect) claims and some blog author and deciding to go nuclear.

You'll have to forgive me if I'm massively skeptical about apologetics for gamergate.

Comment Re:cowardice (Score 3, Insightful) 556

So in other words, IT'S A CONSPIRACY!

I hope this because I know damn well GamerGate did not make these threats.

Given that there's nothing resembling membership rolls or a roster for gamergate, much like occupy and anonymous, anyone can claim they're part of gamergate and say whatever they want. And given that the birth cries of gamergate were basically textbook misogyny and harassment, it's pretty much impossible to separate the two.

The entire case against GamerGate is built of press pushing talking points off of empty claims made by professional victims.

Has it? So what's more believable:

It's a giant conspiracy by media types to set up false harassment fronts against professional victims to make gamergate look bad.


Gamergate was full of assholes who continue to act like assholes and don't like it when their targets push back rather than simply accept being harassed into silence.

By far one is much simpler, and hews much closer to the truth despite gamergate apologists denying and deflecting.

Comment Re:Why not ask the authors of the GPL Ver.2? (Score 1) 173

Answer to #3 is clearly NO - that's why GPLv3 was created, which pissed off a large number of companies, and drove them to BSDL solutions, like LLVM/Clang instead of GCC

Unspecified patent claims on software should be an anathema to BSDL software, given that could result in the patent holder controlling any and all usage of the project despite the license.

Of course, if this is true then it shows how vile said corporations are. So desperate to undermine the core points of Free Software for the sake of power over others.

Comment Re:Its own editors said so (Score 4, Insightful) 346

They aren't pretending to be objective, balanced, or factual.

A couple problems. The first is that no one is truly objective except someone studying an isolated system. The second is that we have this misbegotten notion that "balance" is that we must give both sides of a story equal billing. When one side is flagrantly wrong, it deserves to be dismissed and ignored. The third is on you to show how they omit facts. I know the extreme right wing of this country loves to manufacture "facts" or omit actual facts when it suits them, there's a whole TV network that excels in such shitflinging.

Comment Re:wouldn't even be reported (Score 1) 224

Not true.

Entirely true. When you steep yourself in the echo chamber, your perspective on reality twists and contorts. Gamergate was built on a lie and on hating a specific person.

The customer revolt exploded the day practically the entire online gaming press coordinated to declare their core audience "dead,"

There was no "customer revolt." There was a bunch of assholes who got pissed that the gaming press called them out on their abusive and unwarranted behavior.

in a clumsy and transparent attempt to cover-up their corruption.

Keep lying to yourself if it makes you feel better, I suppose. Righteous self-indignance is the same whether it's built on reality or bullshit I suppose.

Comment Re:wouldn't even be reported (Score 0) 224

If this scandal had any relation to the Gamergate corruption, then there's no way the gaming press would even cover it.


Anybody investigating the players would be said to be "harassing" them in articles

No, there's a difference between investigation and the concerted harassment by gamergate idiots.

they'd probably be called "misogynists" too, the players' actual genders be damned.

It might seem like that, but only to people who have completely lost their grasp on reality, such as you.

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