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Comment Re:Evolution is a theory not a fact (Score 1) 479

Ok, then it's a 'fact' that when a broad spectrum light is shone at that cup, the waves reflected are predominantly in the 475 nm range, which we happen to observe as 'blue.'

When shone at this cup, however, the waves reflected are lower in frequency, and we observe them as 'red'. Now you come up with a theory to explain that.

Similarly, Newton noticed the 'fact' that a thing dropped six feet from the Earth's surface will fall at 9.8 m/s^2, once you've factored in air resistance and the like. He then used that to build a Theory of Universal Gravitation. Which turned out to be wrong in some cases.

Comment Re:Lost world (Score 1) 212

Think of being in a car crash and being broken up so bad you'll never walk again and simply being a live every day is agony which no amount of painkillers will fix.

Unfortunately, in this case, 'humane' changes definition to 'prolong as long as possible.' Despite the person being able to make a reasoned, rational decision, as opposed to a horse.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
