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Comment Translation (Score 4, Insightful) 306

"I played around at writing code, but I never actually learned any of the other skills that are just as much a part of being a programmer."

If you haven't learned those skills in fifteen years as a professional, the problem isn't your age. I became a professional programmer at the ripe old age of thirty-six, and learned all the skills you're afraid of in my first year on the job. I had to!

Comment Danah Boyd is US-centric and out of touch. (Score 1) 260

First of all, there is an obvious value in everyone converging on the same social space. The value of the space to any user is a function of the number of other people who use it.

But it's already not true that everyone uses Facebook. Other social networks are popular outside the US. For that matter, other social networks are popular inside the US. I'm told that many teenagers already regard Facebook as yesterday's social network.

Comment Re:Why all the fuss about Common Core? (Score 3, Insightful) 273

"First off, getting stuck with a class of crappy students can cost you your job . . ."

No, that's not how the evaluations would work. The improvement of individual students could be tracked and evaluated against the standard.

"Once they receive tenure, they should no longer be subject to evaluation . . ."

That should not be true of anyone.

Comment I thought we were done with this stupid idea. (Score 2) 627

Relying on an IDE makes you a more productive programmer. Programmers who think they're elite because they use some primitive text editor are simply wasting time. If that's your attitude, why are you writing code on a computer at all? Why not go back to punched cards? Or cuneiform on clay tablets?

Comment Re:Malice? I think not. (Score 1) 166

Agreed. And where other hospitals try to provide all the care they think they can bill your insurance for, the VA is trapped between trying to be fiscally responsible and being seen by the public as taking good care of our veterans. It's a tough position to be in. I've had good and bad experiences with the VA, but mostly good. And I'm a priority 7 patient or whatever level it is that means broke as hell but without any service-connected disability.

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