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Comment Re:I believe this is the sketch (Score 1) 118

This is also similar to a 20 page list of other comedians I've seen over the years.

The material was not creative. It was forced. It wasn't funny because two words in I had pretty much guessed what they were going to say. When you can guess the punch-line before the setup, guess's a failure. A big part of comedy is "surprise".

Carlin's comedy made you think. This...just regurgitates pop culture in a style similar to a number of comedians.

Comment It wasn't even funny (Score 1) 118

The insult is the estate is taking the thing seriously. Did they watch it? The jokes were trash, it was the worst set I'd ever heard. The voice was garbage too.

I've heard better comedy at open mic nights from guys who were pissing their pants. It wasn't funny, it didn't seem original, and if anything it should prove just how bad AI is at stuff.

Comment Re:Good of Apple (Score 2) 255

The problem is a lot of people don't. This is what the cell provider sold them. They're now locked in to a platform they may not like because once Apple gets ahold of you it won't let go. Oh want to switch to Android because $12300 is too much for a phone? Good luck because imessage has hijacked your number.

If it was easy to leave, that would be fine. It's not; and a lot of non-technical people are getting swindled in to things they don't want.

It's also a matter of principal. You create consumer-protection laws and then come back with a set of rules that largely prove the laws don't work.

We need to stop blaming consumers for corporation's monopolistic and anti-consumer practice.

Comment Re:I have never done social media until recently (Score 1) 91

Picture Twitter. picture that Twitter was composed of 40,000 smaller Twitters that could interact with the same space. Anyone can start the smol twitter and join the network. There's no centralized control. You're at the mercy of your smol twitter admin being able to block people. Get a death threat? Well maybe you can inform the police but there's no administration to kick them off the Fediverse. When they get banned...they make a new smol Twitter and continue.

It's everything that was great about early social media while being the worst of the internet.

Comment Re:I have never done social media until recently (Score 1) 91

I was on the Fediverse.

I left. It's a nice concept that's ruined by it's own creation. The number of servers that exist to just harass is mind-boggling. Your instance blocks one but two more pop-up because anyone can spin up a server and join the fediverse. After 3 days of being unable to block the disgusting spam and threats, I left.

Decentralized social media networks are just where hate and disgustingness breed. Anyone going to the Fediverse will have a horrible opinion of social media as a lawless garbage pit.

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