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Comment Re:Better idea (Score 1) 564

Actually, a properly implemented scheme would NOT require the user to be intelligent. You might want to show the user, hey this is a Microsoft word file, but what's the point in making the user say deal with the whole .doc vs .docx distinction? Case in point, we check files out of share point as doc, we upgrade them to docx format, but guess what, it doesn't work because I can't change the file extension in SharePoint. All because of the stupidity of assuming that file name should be welded permanently to file type. Crazy stuff.

Comment Re:Better idea (Score 1) 564

There is nothing wrong with file extensions to hold this information, or at least there wouldn't be if the computing universe was more geared up towards preserving it in various copy scenarios. In fact is say file extensions are definitely the RIGHT spot for it, it's just that the rest of the universe needs to catch up with it so they are preserved in all cases.

Comment Re:Even Apple is abandoning Objective-C (Score 1) 407

"Apple has not shipped a single API on Mac or iOS written in Swift. "

Apple has specifically designed Swift so that if the day comes that they are writing APIs in Swift instead of Objective-C, YOU WON'T EVEN KNOW. They have the same internal object model and memory layout. They are basically the same language with a different syntax. (Not quite, but it's not too far off).

And while Apple might not have declared Objective-C dead, people who've seen how Apple operate before can clearly see the writing on the wall.

Comment Re:Java (Score 1) 407

Errm, I probably would say Java IS the Swiss army knife of programming languages. Jack of all trades, but master of none. Java might not give you the best result, but it will probably give you less aggravation getting there than most anything else, simply because it is easy to get working and running everywhere, there are a ton of libraries existing, and the compile and link model is simply easier to work with.

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