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Comment ...paper replacement (Score 5, Insightful) 321

All I want is a paper replacement.

There are large e-ink displays, but they all lack high resolution input - as high as a 0.5mm pencil can get you.

15 years after I graduated, I still carry engineering paper, and I get it from the same bookstore. All that's changed is I take pictures of my notes instead of scan them now.

Come on Apple - want to innovate? Figure that one out. I triple dog dare you.

Comment Re:Police (Score 1) 584

"Junior has permission to use this gun, but only at these times"

Are you fucking kidding me? This isn't a toy or an internet device, it is a self defense tool. I think that mandating "smart" guns is stupid, but this is even more stupid. Most people can't even program their DVR, and you want them to program a GUN?

The beautiful thing about a gun is its simplicity: simple point and click interface. Add some basic safety and legal training, and the average person is just fine without any "smarts" to foolishly rely on.

Comment Re:Guess they overestimated some. (Score 1) 131

I'm glad to see that even the ACs around here see the benefit of this. I read enough of the article (really) to get a pretty good feel, and wondered if /.ers were going to trash or praise the idea. As a training tool, it is pretty useful, more practical ways than it might seem at first glance, as it is fun enough to keep people's attention when being trained.

And yes, there are some real life parallels to zombies, like the AC said, or rapidly spreading infectious disease. Interesting stuff.

Comment Re:Cloud needs server huggers (Score 1) 409

Should nobody be hugging THOSE servers either?

As a former cloud administrator: no. When you have 2000 physical servers, why do you care that 50 of them are currently broken? Why would I care that the hard drive failed in one and I had to re-install it (with an identical image and configuration to the other 1999 servers)

Hell, we had servers that never worked from the day they were delivered and no one gave a shit: it went on the backlog for the DC guys to diagnose and RMA. Some of them got fixed after 6 months.

Comment Focus on your studies as much as possible (Score 5, Interesting) 309

You are making a huge financial investment in both real dollars and opportunity cost.

Don't worry about developing web sites. Spend that time advancing your core knowledge. Learn as deep and as abstractly as you can. The technologies will change, the knowledge will not.

Any job you take now will likely not impact your career. Find out if there's a professor you can work with in another faculty instead - by going up and down halls knocking on doors if possible. Chances are they have some IT problems that need solving this summer or know someone who does.

Comment This is a good thing! (Score 2) 218

It's so goddamn awful, it will drive me away from Gmail, its uncomplicated and great search results, and make me get off my lazy ass, and set up my own cloud service that I control.

It might even make me motivated enough to limit my exposure to Google in other ways, too.

The volume of non-work email I deal with has been dropping steadily, anyway - to the point where my own solution managed in my own cloud service might be worthwhile.

I strongly suspect I am not alone.

Full speed ahead Google!

Comment Re: Motivated rejection of science (Score 1) 661

The standard model has been verified in countless experiments, and made predictions that have been subsequently verified.

Opinion is not the same as experimental validation, and I am unaware of such experimental rigor as applied to climate modelling.

You don't get it both ways. Unfortunately, we've gone down the road where you can't question climate science anymore, and that's where it stops being science and starts being something else.

Are we changing the planet? Almost certainly. How much? Unknown. What is the impact? Also unknown. We do know that the climate has changed large amounts in a short period in the past, and will do so again. That's about it.

It doesn't matter anyway - nobody is going to stop driving, nobody is going to accept the sacrifice. Our best bet is to accept the change headlong, and pour our intellectual capital - all those people - into figuring out ways to engineer the planet's climate, and develop clean, high density power that can drive those technologies (that is code for nuclear power).

C'est la vie. But don't compare climate science with the standard model or general relativity. You are wrong.

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