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Comment I want to like them (Score 2) 127

I want to like them, but I just haven't found some amazing need or reason to purchase any. I always have my phone, because it does things better than any small wearable does. My inlaws all have fitbits, and my wife has an Apple Watch, but really I don't have a reason/need/drive to use those things or my phone has a better option. Maybe seeing alerts and texts on my wrist would be convenient, but that's the only thing I see as useful. And that is sort of accompanied by a shrug.

Comment Re:Siri / CarPlay (Score 1) 174

Unfortunately, CarPlay is why I've had to start using Apple Maps. I still prefer Google Maps, especially their instructions as to when to turn seem to more naturally concur when my brain is making those determinations. I don't know how many times I've said 'oh, you want me to turn here!?' to Apple Maps. But to use my fancy dashboard in my truck, I have to use the previously mention artificial limitation they impose and go with Apple Maps. I am happy with my iPhone otherwise, so it sticks out even more that they clearly know it's not as good as Google Maps, or they'd just allow both.

Comment Magic Items (Score 1) 132

I enjoy the idea of what people would have thought about those items. Just very pragmatic that it's just some other metal, or looking at their bronze weapons and then the special one that someone important was given and thinking it was very different. I can see how that could lend credence to the idea of it being magic or somehow special. If they knew it fell from space, then it would literally be other worldly to them.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 464

This is a good point. If you had bought two weeks ago, you could cash out now and be quite ahead. Even if you had bought at 9K you'd be doing well. The problem is that most of us don't have that sort of money sitting around. And at this point, it seems like quite the gamble to try and buy in. However I thought that when it hit 9K as well, so what do I know.

Comment Re:Problem (Score 1) 263

This is the problem with subscriptions, I completely agree. I find it to be the same with streaming content. Ok I want Netflix, but now there's Amazon.. and Hulu.. and wait to watch the new Star Trek I have to buy a subscription for CBS who already broadcasts on TV? What?

At least with newspaper or news sites, we were already doing this. If I wanted the New York Times, I had to buy a copy, or get a subscription. If we can get day passes for the price (or less) of a paper, or get subscriptions similarly, it makes sense. I _do_ want legit news stories and reporters doing real investigations though; not just some intern who is cobbling snippets from other headlines.

Comment Lies (Score 1) 290

Just ask my wife and her best friend. It's an event. They make shirts. They get up at 4 AM. It's like their Super Bowl, and they love it. The parking lots are full, there are throngs of people everywhere, and I highly doubt it's dying.

The rest of us may be happy to shop anytime/anywhere/Amazon/etc, but there are people who love Black Friday.

Comment Security? (Score 0) 323

These things sound good, but I stopped using Firefox primarily because it regularly gets trounced by security researchers. Nothing is perfect, but the alternatives have been rated much higher. I'd like to see more in regards to those gaps being resolved. Now that I've said that, I guess I should read the article to see if they talk about that. ;-)

Comment People = War (Score 1) 216

Unfortunately, while I agree with the sentiment that we should always search for a solution without war, people are dumb and selfish, so we will have conflict. What I enjoy with this idea is that the real soldiers who are putting their lives on the line are the ones who get to work the simulator and make notes. They get to have some input on what they think should be happening or they could be asked to do, regarding tactics or weapons. Now maybe in the end, someone will say 'nope' and ignore it all, or maybe half of it will be dropped because the strategy doesn't scale, but I appreciate that they can at least have some say in the process.

Comment I love my Rift (Score 1, Interesting) 86

I built a gaming rig specifically so I could get the Oculus Rift this year. I love it. Almost everyone who tries it is amazed and loves it (my mom seemed somehow completely unimpressed). Since I purchased it, any new games are specifically for it. My poor consoles are languishing for any love at all. I don't see this headset competing against a Rift setup, which more or less people have already reported it will be equivalent to a smart phone, however I can see that once people get a taste of it, they may scale up to want more.

I can also see the parallels between hardcore and casual gamers. Before tablets and smartphones, most of the casual gamers would have done no gaming at all. But give them a simple, cheap device, and suddenly VR is more ubiquitous and devs will move to that. Having used the Rift to try and work with my desktop, I don't foresee this being a device people are wearing for hours, however it could draw people into more VR content.

Comment Planned vs Unplanned (Score 1) 106

It seems like it's after the fact that most success stories that were disruptive were defined as having been that. Now people are looking at the industry and saying 'This is ripe for disruption', but does that mean you have the right plan to do it, or do you start with a small goal that eventually becomes disruptive. Cart/horse/etc. I don't know, but it seems like most didn't plan on that, or did they just not say it? I guess you'd have to ask them.

Comment Re:Motivation (Score 1) 235

They go hand in hand. Everyone has metrics to measure their performance. Those metrics are used for compensation for some roles. In bad situations those metrics are subjective or poorly chosen. Hopefully they are well chosen, with good milestones, and not arbitrary (lines of code) or subjective (you didn't try hard enough).

Comment Motivation (Score 4, Insightful) 235

Isn't it really just about motivation? Every role has different motivation. Some benefit from additional compensation. Think about bonuses for meeting certain goals, or for being utilized a certain percentage of the quarter, or make a certain number of sales. A good organization understands what motivates their employees and matches it to business needs. Would it be great if we could all just be paid a nice wage, do our jobs well, and go home? Sure. But there are people who will slack and do the absolute least, and there are people who will see a bonus/commission/etc as a great objective to shoot for.

Coming from an engineer background, I think we often harass sales people since they are the non-technical ones in our teams, but we all have our own version of this.

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