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Comment Not visiting the US. (Score 1) 709

I've always wanted to visit the US, to visit the huge cities or/and renting a car and going on a road trip. Not anymore though, it just doesn't feel worth it. I'll keep spending my vacations travelling around Europe and Asia. Maybe some day I'll travel Canada or the caribbean though. Heck, in 10-15 years it will probably be safer for foreigners to travel rural Africa than the US.

Comment Re:That's a lot of fucking. (Score 1) 138

That's a lot of fucking. I hope you brought enough condoms.

I'll use the same one over and over, without washing it inbetween.

More seriously, don't confuse the countries for the few dickheads in those countries who are fucking things up. I've been to a good handful-and-some of the 30 countries you've listed, and most of the people I've met have been decent sorts.

Yeah, that's kind of implied. I've been to 13 of the listed countries and I can only agree.

I don't know about your preferences, *I* certainly don't want to fuck 30 different versions of that.

Can't say that I'll enjoy it to but someone has to do the dirty work. :)

Comment Fuck those who signed ACTA. (Score 3, Insightful) 138

Fuck Austria. Fuck Australia. Fuck Belgium. Fuck Bulgaria. Fuck Canada. Fuck the Czech Republic. Fuck Denmark. Fuck Finland. Fuck France. Fuck Greece. Fuck Hungary. Fuck Ireland. Fuck Italy. Fuck Japan. Fuck Latvia. Fuck Lithuania. Fuck Luxemburg. Fuck Malta. Fuck Morocco. Fuck New Zealand. Fuck Poland. Fuck Portugal. Fuck Romania. Fuck Singapore. Fuck Slovenia. Fuck South Korea. Fuck Spain. Fuck Sweden. Fuck the UK. Fuck the USA.

Comment Re:First Bing, now this? (Score 1) 678

I'm tolerant of pretty much everything, except intolerance. I think everyone should be free to do whatever the hell they feel like doing and living in whichever way they feel like living as long as everyone involved is consensual and they don't restrict others from that same freedom. People should be free to fuck themselves up if they want, but not to fuck others up. That's why I'm NOT tolerant of people trying to, for example, restrict rights for homosexuals, transsexuals or even polygamists.

I do think that religion (all of them, except Kopimism) is stupid but I don't want to restrict people from believing in or practicing religion. I do however want to make it illegal for religious institutions to prevent (using any kind of scare-tactics) their members from leaving said institution.

Comment Re:Actually... (Score 4, Informative) 117

In MacOS X, [a subset of] BSD is just one of several subsystems running on top of the Mach microkernel, providing some core stuff like filesystems and the TCP/IP stack. They also use parts of the BSD userland. They don't use BSD for things like hardware drivers and device handling for example. The Mac-BSD-relation status is "it's complicated". It's way too different to be able to say that it's "based on" BSD, or even part of the family tree line. It's more like the friendly neighbor who let you borrow their stuff.

Comment Current one sucks (Score 1) 64

I really liked this at first, in december. Then the @sweden feed was all about drinking, sex and mocking religion and norwegians. After that it went downhill, to boring (here is a picture of my dogs) to outright embarrassing. Currently it's controlled by a fucking priest citing the bible and chatting about spirituality. How un-swedish isn't that?

Comment Depends on how you count (Score 1) 309

I expect to have a little bit higher average income but I'm getting a new car AND I will start amortizing my apartment loan significantly more than previously so I will have less disposable money but my net wealth will increase or stay the same. My goal is to be completely debt free in 10 years (instead of the 25+ in my original calculation). Eat that, banksters.

Ask Slashdot: Which Web Platform Would You Use? 519

A new submitter writes "I'm about to embark on developing active content (database driven, and web services) for the first time for my website and I have grown to love PHP. Knowing that there are other web development platforms available, and noticing some disdain for PHP in some circles, I'm curious to know which platforms slashdotters prefer along with the reasons why. Before I get started into heavy development I would like to get some opinions and more facts. Why shouldn't I use PHP?"

Comment Re:A humble request for Linux media player develop (Score 4, Informative) 79

gapless != cross-fade. An MP3 stream is divided into frames that are larger than CD frames. If a song ends in the middle of a frame, that frame is padded with silence which cause an audio dropout when playing albums with continuous sound, like live recordings for example. Most modern MP3 encoders (at least LAME) use a non-standard (but nowadays defacto-standard) tag to store the exact byte on which the song ends so players can skip the silent padding and play the album just like the original CD would had. Worth noting is that this problem is MP3-specific. All modern codecs/containers already handle this natively.

Comment Re:Advantage over PDF? (Score 1) 76

it sounds like it's trying to do everything HTML can, but not be HTML

Basically it IS just (a subset of) plain HTML+CSS with a standardized naming structure for table of contents, chapters, cover and similar, all bundled together into a zip file. It defines a default style for unstyled tags and which subset of HTML and CSS the renderer must handle to be compliant.

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