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Comment Re:Speakers or headphones? (Score 1) 749

What I see almost every day are DJs with headphones plugged into their laptop and it sounds fine to them. The same track out there on the dancefloor sounds like a horrific wall of distortion.

Pumping out enough sound for a disco at high quality is much, much more expensive than a couple of tiny speakers next to your ears. Disco speakers are designed to be loud and have lots of bass. Fidelity? No one comes to a disco to hear a recital. I often listen to videos in my living room using headphones, partly because it doesn't bother anyone else in the house, but also the quality of the (cheap) headphone sound is about the same or better than the "hifi" (again, cheap, so not audiophile "hi"), and much higher than that of the built-in speakers in the TV.

Comment Re:The Only Surprising portion of the revelation.. (Score 1) 536

Although I don't doubt there are Generals who would have made fine diplomats,

I was being ironic. But yes, some generals are less bloodthirsty than some politicians. But as w hole, look at countries like Burma and various Latin American dictatorships to see how military leaders fare. Not well.

Comment Re:The Only Surprising portion of the revelation.. (Score 1) 536

Again, LBJ, and anyone else commenting, were not speaking as prosecuting attorneys. Just because the US constitution defines treason doesn't mean we all have to use that, and only that, definition. If Nixon took deliberate action that prolonged a war unnecessarily, costing many thousands of lives of his countrymen, that's good enough for me.

Comment Re:The Only Surprising portion of the revelation.. (Score 4, Insightful) 536

It was LBJ who said it was "treason". I assume he knew the definition.

First definitions I found:

  noun: a crime that undermines the offender's government
  noun: disloyalty by virtue of subversive behavior
  noun: an act of deliberate betrayal

Satisfies those. Maybe not in US law, but this a a description of the acts, not a legal brief.

Comment Re:The Only Surprising portion of the revelation.. (Score 5, Interesting) 536

a.k.a. Nixon had worse stuff on the democrats

Worse than treason? If Nixon was ready to screw up a peace deal, if he'd had anything on the Democrats, he would have used it. Nixon sent the plumbers to Watergate to dig up dirt on the Democrats in 72.

Putting pure politicians in charge of military decisions (or anything in need of objective reality) is a problem.

Yeah, we should leave diplomacy to the generals.

Comment Re:The problem with most environmentalist ideas (Score 3, Insightful) 466

Well, here's your first problem. You don't get to "let" me do shit. I can burn plastic bags in my back yard all day long and flip you the bird as you drive by in your Prius.

Try it and see what your neighbours and eventually the police do to you.

Nuclear power has 0 CO2 emissions... support that, and support Yukka mountain if you really care about slowing global warming.

Actually, I do. And in any case, why would my position on nuclear preclude my objecting to burning plastic bags?

But you need to get off your high horse and do what you can do... and stop dreaming of the perfect solution. It's not going to happen.

It's the "anti-greens"/denialists/etc who insist there must be a perfectly clean, cheap solution before they will change their own habits one iota. And they won't pay for research or infrastructure, it just has to "happen".

Comment Re:The problem with most environmentalist ideas (Score 3, Insightful) 466

"green" energy is too expensive to compete with proven yet "dirty" tech? well instead of developing the green tech to compete we must artificially increase the cost of the dirty fuel!

Yes, we should just let everyone burn cheap dirty fuel without any let or hindrance. Why should they pay anything for the health costs to the community from people who killed by cancer, the changes in climate, or anything else? It's only those commie greenies who think polluters should have to pay for the harm they do. We all know that if we just let business make the maximum profit in the shortest time then everything else will solve itself.

environmentalists work on a knee jerk reaction style of attack.

Whereas climate change deniers will just find some silly statement some environmentalist said and try to use it to discredit everything any environmentalist ever said. So they can go back to using "plain old lightbulbs", driving their SUVs, and not giving a crap about the next generation.

Comment Re:Why ban in cars?---It's allready covered! (Score 2) 417

That's my point. Something as obviously crazy and dangerous as texting while driving is illegal under existing laws. You don't have to specify every single possible way you can recklessly endanger people just as you don't have to specify every possible way you can murder people.

Adding the specifics though prevents the defence that the user didn't know/think that it was "crazy and dangerous". If we could leave it up to people to follow the rule "don't do dangerous things" that would be the only road law we needed.

Comment Re:Install Windows XP (Score 3, Interesting) 260

They have that now, you know.

Yes, I did know. But if If they knew the difference between Ubuntu and Android, you wouldn't need to dumb it down.

We got an old Dell laptop for my daughter, it came with a locked-down corporate install of Vista. After a few hours wrestling with trying to configure it I said fuck it and just put Ubuntu on it and it "just worked" immediately. Predictably, she complained about the funny looking apps but has learnt to use it. Even Libre Office for schoolwork. And now she has an Android phone, she has rooted it so she can install some of the same utilities she has on the laptop... So there is crossover.

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