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Comment Re:I'll be donating to the EFF again this week. (Score 1) 301

<quote><p>Yeah, except for the part where nobody runs a mailserver off of their home internet connection. All reputation services (AKA blackholes) block address ranges assigned to home internet services. It's pretty much impossible.</p><p>I don't know why people are up in Google's grill for what is basically a boilerplate policy that ALL home ISPs follow. Google doesn't want people buying home fiber links to host their web sites.</p></quote>

I did not find reputation services to be a problem. Comcast blocking inbound port 25 as of a few months ago is the problem. I've run a mail server at home for nearly 10 years.

Comment premise is correct (Score 5, Insightful) 272

The problem with IP today is the complete lack of reasonable limits on who can make money from IP and for how long.

It's is fundamentally unfair to the world to expect unlimited and life-long (or longer) income from your IP (or even worse, from someone else's IP to which you have acquired the 'rights').

IP is a human mental construct that was brought into being to address fairness. The pendulum has swung way too far.

Comment Re:I'm sure it's effective (Score 2) 419

I'm not sure it's effective. And if it is, I doubt it's effective enough to warrant the amount of money thrown at it or the misuse that will inevitably occur.
  I'm also not sure why we should believe anything they say.

I'd rather take my chances with the terrorists over opaque security organizations who can spy on me whenever they wish.
I'm far more likely to get shot or run over by a fellow citizen anyway.

Turn your spying ability on the bankers and then we'll talk.....

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