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Comment Re: Craziness (Score 1) 242

The clocks should match the actual time as closely as is reasonable

So what is this "actual time" you speak of?
You do realize that time is a human concept don't you?
There is no "actual time" other than that which a group of people agree on. You may argue that "actual time" is when 12:00pm occurs when the sun is directly overhead. Guess what that is just a standard that was agreed upon at some point in the past it isn't the "actual time" any more than agreeing that 12:00pm occurs when the sun hits the western horizon.

Comment Re:this is the fucking 21st century! (Score 1) 242

What does Ben Franklin have to do with the discussion at hand? You realize Ben Franklin didn't event DST.

Franklin is often given credit for inventing Daylight Saving Time. He did write a satirical piece , published (in French) in the April 26, 1784 edition of the Journal de Paris, in which he claims credit for discovering the fact that the sun begins shining from the moment it rises, something that the locals, who sleep till noon, would never have means of knowing. To save on wasteful candles, Franklin recommends taxing people who use shutters, and of ringing bells every morning at sunup to force people to adjust their days according to the availability of sunlight.

Comment Re:when the Babylon Bee and the Onion (Score 1) 83

If Novak had just made a satire Facebook page the Parma Police probably wouldn't have cared and most likely wouldn't have even known about the page. Instead Novak did everything he could to make the site look like it was legitimately the Parma Police Facebook page. He blocked/removed all comments that stated that the site wasn't the Parma Police page.

Novak deleted comments that called the page fake, and when the police department posted to the real page warning about his page, he made the same warning on his.

Comment Re:This is a terrible ruling (Score 1) 83

It is arguable that the site in question was satire though. Novak did everything possible to make sure that the site wasn't identified as a satirical site. He actually removed/blocked posts that stated that the site was a satire and that people shouldn't confuse it with the real Parma Police Department Facebook page.
When you go through the amount of effort Novak seems to have gone to to make sure people don't know that the Facebook isn't legitimately the Parma Police page you kind of lose the whole "satire" argument.

Comment Re:Republican war on EVs and the IRS (Score 0) 71

Lol. if you think it is a good idea to leave the debt ceiling in place just try this experiment:

Stop paying any of your bills and see how long it is before someone comes looking for you.

Defaulting on the money that the US has agreed to spend is VERY similar. If the debt ceiling isn't raised then there will be a lot more things not paid for than just the CDC. None of the Social Security checks will be issued. Soldiers won't get paid. Stock prices will probably fall (historically based on previous debt ceilings). Possible recession (if US obligations aren't paid). If you hold US bonds that are due you won't get paid. These are just a few of the dozens (hundreds?) of ramifications of letting the US default on paying their bills.
I think you will find that US citizens lives will change quite substantially if the government defaults on their payments.

Comment Re:which is funny.... (Score 1) 85

Extremely bad comparison.
What are your options if Reddit, Youtube, Google, etc. refuse to post your content? You either find someone that will post it or you make your own site where you can post whatever you wish.
What happens if your local ISP refuses to give you access to the Internet? In an extremely large number of cases there isn't anything you can do except MAYBE start your own ISP (not nearly as financially viable as the option to create your own website). There are just too many places where there is only one viable option for Internet access.

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