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Comment Re:Language-dependant? (Score 1) 378

Maybe I'm feeding an AC troll, but there are 1500 people in the engineering department where I work, the majority being software engineers. While there aren't many women, all of them can code in C and C++, because that's what we use for our products.

Comment Re:quantity over quality? (Score 1) 674

I take quality every time. My sound system at home includes a mid 80s Yamaha receiver/amp driving two mid 80s Bang & Olufsen RL35 speakers up front and two late 70s Bang & Olufsen Beovox S75 speakers in back. The CD player is a Bang & Olufsen Beogram CD X from the early 80s, and there is an old TEI 10 band stereo graphic equalizer that components hook up through. The whole rig cost me about $100 from garage and rummage sales. I haven't heard anything that sounds as good for less than 100 times the cost.

Comment Re:what is the MPG? (Score 1) 77

It will work. Like AC says though, you can get in trouble for not paying road tax. Also, the price varies wildly depending on where you live and who you buy from. In the Chicago area Jet-A is between $6.60 and $7.00, San Francisco area is $5.90-$7.60, and in KC $4.25-$7.10.

Star Wars Prequels

Where Jules Verne Meets Star Wars: GE's Walking Truck 57

An anonymous reader writes "This July 4th weekend, millions of Americans will head to the air-conditioned confines of their local multiplex to take in Harry Potter, Captain America and other summer blockbusters. A military relic that foreshadowed a sci-fi vehicle featured in perhaps the most popular summer movie of all time – Star Wars – is on exhibit at the U.S. Army Transportation Musem at Fort Eustis: GE's Pedipulator, or 'Walking Truck,' developed for the U.S. Army in the mid-'60s. GE's quadroped was first imagined and lumbered through its testing paces in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, starting in 1962, 15 years before George Lucas's AT-AT walkers debuted on the big screen."

Comment Re:The real reason for bandwidth caps... (Score 1) 303

"Sprint will be fighting over users. They want users, and they'll whore themselves out 'till they get them."

Maybe Sprint should have thought of that 3-4 years ago. But they were busy driving away all their users with abusive customer service, atrocious billing mistakes and anomalies that were always in Sprint's favor, castrated phones, and a corporate desire to bleed as much money from their customers as possible. Of course, you can't make money if your customers leave, and if you can't make money, you can't have employees, which led to their operational headquarters (which is MASSIVE) to end up looking like a ghost town. Sprint has nobody to blame for their problems but themselves; had they not been asshats to people, they wouldn't be fearing for their continued existence.


Capturing Solar Power With Antennae 190

necro81 writes "Researchers at the University of Missouri and the Idaho National Laboratory have demonstrated a new method of capturing solar power. Rather than using semiconductors to capture photons of sunlight, they fabricated small coiled antennae (several um square) that resonate with the wave nature of light. The antennae are tuned towards midrange infrared light (5-10 um), which is abundant on our cozy-warm Earth — even at night. They also demonstrated a way to imprint these coils on a substrate, like how CDs or vinyl records are produced, but could be scaled to roll-to-roll mass production. The usual caveat applies: it may be 5-10 years until this could hit the market."

Comment Re:Pics (Score 1) 140

I'm pretty sure I can control the universe from my N900. Its the best portable computing device I've ever used. I do Android platform work for fun as well, and I like to use the N900 to scare people. "Why yes, my two year old phone can run Gingerbread, what, your brand new phone can't?" :)

Comment Re:Apple also likes to sell their stuff as special (Score 1) 537

Our company actually used to stamp "Designed in USA, Made in Taiwan" on our products. However, we own our manufacturing facility in Taiwan. While we still design in the USA and manufacture in Taiwan, we only have "Made in Taiwan" on our products today, which I find slightly disappointing.


An IP Address Does Not Point To a Person, Judge Rules 293

AffidavitDonda writes with this excerpt from Torrentfreak: "A possible landmark ruling in one of the mass-BitTorrent lawsuits in the US may spell the end of the 'pay-up-or-else-schemes' that have targeted over 100,000 Internet users in the last year. District Court Judge Harold Baker has denied a copyright holder the right to subpoena the ISPs of alleged copyright infringers, because an IP-address does not equal a person. Among other things, Judge Baker cited a recent child porn case where the US authorities raided the wrong people, because the real offenders were piggybacking on their Wi-Fi connections. Using this example, the judge claims that several of the defendants in VPR's case may have nothing to do with the alleged offense either. ... Baker concludes by saying that his Court is not supporting a 'fishing expedition' for subscribers' details if there is no evidence that it has jurisdiction over the defendants."

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