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Comment Re:what happens if you drive without car insurance (Score 1) 2424

(What do these off-the-grid hermits do when they get sick by the way? They are one log-splitting accident away from a painful death from gangrene after all.)

If they actually exist, I suspect either they either:

die lying there in the snow and are never heard from again

or: Call it in, resulting in an SAR or airlift operation to get them out of of the wilderness into the ER, amusingly resulting in a tremendous bill which the hospital will write off, as they have no ability to pay.

Comment Re:Pro / cons (Score 1) 2424

To be sure, I'm not disputing a bit that Medicaid is a clusterfuck of epic proportions (My post history is littered with variations on exactly what you have to say, as I've helped my mother deal with billing them [she's a speech pathologist])

I have trouble seeing how assertions such as I mentioned are anything but fear mongering though, although not being in the industry in any capability myself I'm open to the fact that I could be missing something.

Comment Re:Pro / cons (Score 1) 2424

Personally I don't want a doctor who's in it for the money, he is much more likely to give me my 3 minutes and kick my ass out rather than actually fixing my problem.

I think the cost of school is a separate issue really, and one that is seen in all fields. The debt incurred from getting any kind of degree is such that there are better economic choices.

Comment Re:Say, what'd be wrong with copying the Euro-Syst (Score 1) 2424

I'm curious, does the sick day thing go across salaried and hourly workers?

I ask because it seems rare in the US for hourly workers to get paid sick days (beyond a couple) so at some point one must make the decision to expose all your co workers to whatever you have, or watch your paycheck get smaller.

Food in US hospitals sucks too, no loss there.

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