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Submission + - Book Review: "FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials", by Michael W. Lucas (amazon.com) 1

Saint Aardvark writes: (Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book for review. Disclaimer to the disclaimer: I would gladly have paid for it anyway.)

If, like me, you administer FreeBSD systems, you know that (like Linux) there is an embarrassment of riches when it comes to filesystems. GEOM, UFS, soft updates, encryption, disklabels — there is a *lot* going on here. And if, like me, you're coming from the Linux world your experience won't be directly applicable, and you'll be scaling Mount Learning Curve. Even if you *are* familiar with the BSDs, there is a lot to take in. Where do you start?

You start here, with Michael W. Lucas' latest book, "FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials". You've heard his name before; he's written "Sudo Mastery" (which I reviewed previously), along with books on PGP/GnuPGP, Cisco Routers and OpenBSD. This book clocks in at 204 pages of goodness, and it's an excellent introduction to managing storage on FreeBSD. From filesystem choice to partition layout to disk encryption, with sidelong glances at ZFS along the way, he does his usual excellent job of laying out the details you need to know without every veering into dry or boring.

Do you need to know about GEOM? It's in here: Lucas takes your from "What *is* GEOM, anyway?" (answer: FreeBSD's system of layers for filesytem management) through "How do I set up RAID 10?" through "Here's how to configure things to solve that weird edge-case." Still trying to figure out GUID partitions? I sure as hell was...and then I read Chapter Two. Do you remember disklabels fondly, and wonder whatever happened to them? They're still around, but mainly on embedded systems that still use MBR partitions — so grab this book if you need to deal with them.

The discussion of SMART disk monitoring is one of the best introductions to this subject I've ever read, and should serve *any* sysadmin well, no matter what OS they're dealing with; I plan on keeping it around for reference until we no longer use hard drives. RAID is covered, of course, but so are more complex setups — as well as UFS recovery and repair for when you run into trouble.

Disk encryption gets three chapters (!) full of details on the two methods in FreeBSD, GBDE and GELI. But just as important, Lucas outlines why disk encryption might *not* be the right choice: recovering data can be difficult or impossible, it might get you unwanted attention from adversaries, and it will *not* protect you against, say, an adversary who can put a keylogger on your laptop. If it still make sense to encrypt your hard drive, you'll have the knowledge you need to do the job right.

I said that this covers *almost* everything you need to know, and the big omission here is ZFS. It shows up, but only occasionally and mostly in contrast to other filesystem choices. For example, there's an excellent discussion of why you might want to use FreeBSD's plain UFS filesystem instead of all-singing, all-dancing ZFS. (Answer: modest CPU or RAM, or a need to do things in ways that don't fit in with ZFS, make UFS an excellent choice.) I would have loved to see ZFS covered here — but honestly, that would be a book of its own, and I look forward to seeing one from Lucas someday; when that day comes, it will be a great companion to this book, and I'll have Christmas gifts for all my fellow sysadmins.

One big part of the appeal of this book (and Lucas' writing in general) is that he is clear about the tradeoffs that come with picking one solution over another. He shows you where the sharp edges are, and leaves you well-placed to make the final decision yourself. Whether it's GBDE versus GELI for disk encryption, or what might bite you when enabling soft updates journaling, he makes sure you know what you're getting into. He makes recommendations, but always tells you their limits.

There's also Lucas' usual mastery of writing; well-written explanations with liberal dollops of geek humour that don't distract from the knowledge he's dropping. He's clear, he's thorough, and he's interesting — and that's an amazing thing to say about a book on filesystems.

Finally, technical review was done by Poul Henning-Kamp; he's a FreeBSD developer who wrote huge parts of the GEOM and GBDE systems mentioned above. That gives me a lot of warm fuzzies about the accuracy of this book.

If you're a FreeBSD (or Linux, or Unix) sysadmin, then you need this book; it has a *lot* of hard-won knowledge, and will save your butt more than you'll be comfortable admitting. If you've read anything else by Lucas, you also know we need him writing more books. Do the right thing and buy this now.

Submission + - Patriot Act Idea Rises in France, and Is Ridiculed (nytimes.com)

PolygamousRanchKid writes: After shootings last week at a satirical newspaper and a kosher market in Paris, France finds itself grappling anew with a question the United States is still confronting: how to fight terrorism while protecting civil liberties. The answer is acute in a country that is sharply critical of American counterterrorism policies, which many see as a fearful overreaction to 9/11.

Valérie Pécresse, a minister under former President Nicolas Sarkozy, said France needed its own version of the USA Patriot Act, which gave the United States more authority to collect intelligence and pointed America’s surveillance apparatus at its citizens. Politicians and civil rights advocates on both sides of the Atlantic bristled at that suggestion, and at a string of arrests in which French officials used a new antiterrorism law to crack down on what previously would have been considered free speech.

Dominique de Villepin, the former French prime minister, warned against the urge for “exceptional” measures. “The spiral of suspicion created in the United States by the Patriot Act and the enduring legitimization of torture or illegal detention has today caused that country to lose its moral compass,” he wrote in Le Monde, the French newspaper.

Comment Re:It's The American Drean (Score 1) 1313

And those '47%-ers'? The vast majority of them are in one of two categories: a) enlisted in the military, or b) retired

Sorry to burst your bubble but, the enlisted ranks must pay federal tax on their earnings. At their (below E-4) pay rate they most certainly fall into poverty level and most get everything back after filing their return. You should see what a Private makes, minimum wage would be nice.

Comment Re:Ah, The B-Ark... (Score 1) 299

Put both Clinton and Shatner on the ship and see who can score the most green chicks / moon maidens / Venusian Princesses. We might not be able to conquer the aliens through force but, we can out breed them with the above tag team. Of course wars then might be fought over who has the best hair.

Comment What? (Score 1) 107

I don't know about anywhere else but, the hermit crabs out here aren't hurting for shells. The problem should be even worse as they are in competition with young coconut crabs too.

Comment Re:Promised bandwidth? (Score 1) 160

Sorry to whomever he was replying to but, I'm going to dig the hole a tad deeper...currently (going on about 10 years now) the US govenment has issued multiple grants for a Bandwidth study with "purpose" of extending reach into rural areas and improving overall speed (links to the posted FCC stuff). One of the largest "non-profit" organizations taking advantage of this grant provides data for around 20 states and is so closely tied to the telecom industry a circle jerk isn't possible.
My town paper http://www.statesman.com/business/survey-texas-companies-with-broadband-internet-outperform-those-1686241.html was nice enough to give them some coverage. See if you can spot the errors.

Comment Re:Really bad idea. (Score 1) 1173

Dude, thats Riverside...mostly college kids who haven't the common sense gave a summer squash. Add to that the congestion at the IH-35 intersection as well as the Montopolis BS (ACC Riverside campus close to the AMD fab) and you have a major traffic problem. The city of Austin would be better served if they restricted downtown traffic to only bike, mass transit, & delivery so all the college kids could leave their cars at home. City council might actually do that if they get the light rail stuff approved. Austin street planning was never plotted for the growth its experiencing, ask some of the old residents they can tell you the city council was activly resisting growth for a long while.

Comment Re:Modern bloggers do not need any journalism skil (Score 1) 34

And that goes the same for many of the news media outlets the bloggers get their info-rage from. Take a look at a NYT article from today and compare it to something 60 years ago...then compare it to the average blogger vent. Its the same for many newspapers as the editing team is handpicked by the owning group. The Austin American Statesman suffers from this as well as an inability to report without prejudice. The news is polarized these days and you have to really pick through it to get to the truth...its almost not worth the effort.

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