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Comment Re:Is the bash parser a lost cause? (Score 1) 329

Backwards compatability, which is a language design issue, has absolutely nothing to do with the implementation problems we see with these bugs. A good parser can implement backwards compatability without difficulty or problems. One option I like is recursive descent and ascent parsing with backtracking for ease of understanding and versatility, even if it may not be the most efficient.

Comment Re:Time to retire bash! (Score 1) 329

No. The bugs we see in Bash have analogs which have been found in most software implementations, remember all of the Bugs found in Java, Python and so on, this is not a Bash only thing. Bash implements a programming language of its own (its own extensions to Bourne), and implements functionality that is unique and different from other languages. When you want the Bash programming language, Python isnt going to do that for you. What needs to be done is to fix the problem in the implementation and its much quicker to fix the current code base rather than to rewrite. the problem here is the implementation, not the language. The language itself is not the prroblem, is fine for what it does, its some problems in the implementation.

Comment Re:Shut down this Anti-American company (Score 1) 96

I dont know how many times this must be repeated. The US and its resources belongs exclusively to the people of the country. The United States is the native born American people. The government is merely constituted for the purpose of defending their territorial domain from foreign incursions and serving the exclusive interests of the citizens. Are the citizens of any country the sole ones with exclusive right to employment within it? Yes. That is an essential part of very definition of what a country, citizenship and borders is. The only reason that Americans cannot find work is because of the traitorous actions of the US government that knowingly helped Indians steal their jobs. This didnt just happen. It was a result of intentional policies. Policies which were commited knowing that they would destroy the jobs and lives of American citizens. This is an act of treason. If you support this it can only be contempt of American workers.

All H1B visas are about is rich people getting richer by paying workers less so they can grab more of the profits for themselves. The cost of this is the ruined lives of American citzens whose jobs have been stolen.

We HAVE EVERY RIGHT to demand and expect that our government expel all H1B visa holders and seal the borders NOW and that is the only thing that can legitimize our government. If they refuse they have commited an act of severe neglect and delinquency, if not treason. Our government OWES this to US as the government is created for this purpose, its really the main and foremost reason it exists which is why in the Constitution defense is most prominently mentioned. The American people should demand that the Johnson Reed Act of 1924 be reconstituted along with the Naturalization Act of 1790 which would put back the restrictive immigration policies we had in the 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s.

Comment Re:Welp, we're screwed (Score -1, Troll) 96

The fact is, I know tons of people who are just out college, who put in hundreds of job applications and, cannot get hired. And yet, they see these companies they apply at full of Indians. For an American just out of college it is a very bleak environment and that is no joke and it is entirely because the indians have stolen the jobs. The fact is there would be plenty of jobs for our own people if we were not helping the Indians steal our jobs. As I will explain, Gates and the elites benefit from H1B but Americans are huge losers from it, and surprise, third world countries are also losers from it. If we want to protect America and american jobs we need to kill the H1B program. If we want to stop the brain drain that harms third world countries, another reason we need to kill it. I am in favor of an end to all immigration altogether and I know hat this is the only thing that will stop the 1% from enriching themselves at the expense of everyone else and the only thing that can stop the destruction of not only the economic destruction of America but many other countries.

All gates is interested in is throwing Americans out on the street because he is a liberal who has been taught a hatred of Americans and can further expand his vast fortunes and profit margins by exploiting cheap third world labor and destroying Americans middle class in the process, effectively consolidating wealth further in the hands of elites like him. Gates doesnt give a damn about anyone but himself, its all self serving.

Nothing gates or other traitorous, evil people like Obama and the Liberals would do would help mexico or any place else. If you wanted to help mexico, why not have mexicans develop stuff for use by other Mexicans? But, the scheme of elites like Gates is to exploit Mexicans to make things then sell those things in America, undercuting and destroying American workers and preventing the fruits of the mexicans from benefiting their own country. The only people who win from that are the elites like gates who enrich themselves. Mexico stays poor because they still remain very poorly paid and much of the fruit of their labor is being exploited, plus it destroys American jobs. Why not have mexicans make things for mexicans adn Americans make things for Americans? But that wouldnt allow people like gates to enrich themselves vastly by exploiting the planet for his benefit like the psychopathic american citizen hating globalist that he is.

Likewise the only people who benefit from H1Bs are plutocrats like gates. Americans are huge losers because their jobs are stolen by indians. India loses due to the brain drain, just when India desperately needs its own college professionals to build its economy, it cannot afford to lose them if they flee elsewhere. The only thing that would protect people in all countries would be to stop immigration and kill the H1B program, this would assure that Indian professionals would remain in India to help build Indias economy and would assure that Americas jobs are exclusively available for Americas home grown talent.

these are all reasons i support protectionism of local manufactuing and an end to all immigration, especially the H1B program needs to abolited and purged from the books. Protectionism protects the common people of all countries. Globalism enriches and empowers a small elite like Gates and Obama.

Comment Re:Shut down this Anti-American company (Score 1) 96

There is so much wrong with what you say, that every word coming from you is faulty. American computer programmers earned their qualifications upon their own merit. Most of them went to college and worked hard for many years, spending tens of thousands of dollars, for a hard earned college degrees in some of the most challenging academic courses. After they have spent, many tens of thousands, even in excess of a hundred grand, and many years of hard work on their college degree, with the promise that their hard work and effort would pay off, they have the rug pulled out on them by having the jobs they were promised stolen and given to a far less qualified foreigner who went to some third world degree mill college that can't hold a candle to the American college degree, and investing only 10% on their third world education that an American spent on their first world education.

Secondly, you cannot have a country without borders. Yes, a primary qualification for a job in a country must be that you are a natural born with inherited citizenship. The US and its government exists for one purpose, to defend the interests of Americans, to secure its borders for its own people, and to defend its resources and jobs for the benefit of Americans. Indians et al already have their own country with its own government. You wouldnt expect the government of India to be interested in giving Indian jobs to American citizens. Its totally unreasonable and absurd, likewise, for the American government to be interested in giving American jobs for Indians, in fact to do so would be an act of treason and a violation of the primary responsibility of a government to defend the soveriegnty of the territory for its own people. The government of a country exists to serve the interests of its own citizens who were born in that country. Period. Full Stop. End of Story. If people of say India, want a job they need to work to fix their own countries problems and have every right to demand a government in India that works to secure that for them. It the same for Americans, Americans must demand that the government of their country serve the interest of American citizens and defend the sovereignty of the country from foreign incursions. The paramount purpose of a government of a country is serve its own people to defend the borders and that this is an essential thing that gives it legitimacy, and it is a severe violation of those responsibilities to aid and abet foreign incursions.

Comment Re:Just remove the damn "feature" (Score 1) 318

Does the intended operation of the feature just automatically execute shell code coming in through an environment variable without you telling bash to do so? If no, then the bug is not an intended part of a feature, since I would hope no one would design bash in such a way that environment variables are executed as code without being told to do that. If you tell bash to execute something in a environment variable, thats fine, not a bug at all. The key here is, fix it so that environment variables are not executed without being told to do so.

Comment Re:Just remove the damn "feature" (Score 1) 318

Its not a feature, it a bug, it does something that a programmer does not intend for it to do. When your script is simply given an environment variable, you dont expect for it to be executed as code unless you explicitely tell it to. If i am reading the CVE right, thats whats happening.

Comment Another globalist crime. (Score 3, Interesting) 365

This ought to be an outrage and insult to American citizens who are being kicked out on the street by having their jobs stolen from them so that Bill Gates can add to his billions dollar fortune. Studies have shown that there is a surplus of American workers, which means we have a lot of people in this country who cannot find work becuase the work is being stolen by foreign immigrants, illegal aliens, H1B visa holders, and so on. The H1B visa program is a scam designed to enrich the 1%. That Obama is involved with this shows what Obama really is, a traitor who hates the United States, and who does everything he can to undermine our citizens. It is time to completely abolish the H1B program, and stop all immigration. This will as well create the press and necessity we need to fix our own countries problems, such as improving our education system, and promoting family values, such as marriage, so that we do raise healthy (mentally and otherwise) workforce. You cannot have a country without borders. Ultimately I fear what drives companies such as Microsoft is that they are globalists that want to eventually dissolve the United States and as well destroy it as a unique entity.

Comment Re:Want a job? Get rid of the globalists. (Score 1) 479

I suggest that to get rid of globalists people vote them out of office. A globalist is easy to spot in their support for illegal immigration, amnesty for illegals, and H1B program. Vote out representatives unless they pledge to deport all illegals, and unless they pledge to abolish H1B visas, and unless they pledge to shut down immigration, seal the borders, and re-enact the 1924 Johnson Reed Act and the Naturalization Act of 1790.

Comment Want a job? Get rid of the globalists. (Score 0) 479

Thank Obama and the US Chamber of Commerce. Obama wants to award 800,000 H1B visas, on top of 50 million illegal aliens, when studies show that the US has a large surplus of skilled IT labor. The purpose and duty of your government is to serve the interest of the citizens of this country. Your government is trying to steal your job and give it to Indian workers. Your government is trying to throw you out on the street and to aid and assist those who are stealing your jobs. If this is not the definition of treason I dont know what is. How much will it take for the American people to demand leaders who are going to cut off the immigration once and for all. We need to completely kill the H1B program and throw out all of the illegal aliens. We should resurrect every last letter of the Johnson Reed Act of 1924. I think its time to cut off all immigration and seal the borders. It is also time for us to start to defeat the anti-family, baby hating, baby killer liberals whose goal it is to destroy the US family through its affiliates in Hollywood, and as well though welfare programs, offshoring and continued attacks on the family that all of this constitutes. Back in the 50s the average family had 4 children, now we are down to below 2 children per family. We need to go back to having large families once again so we can regenerate population and have healthy population demographics once again. We need to do this by fixing our own culture and society by valueing children. Instead we have had a culture of self centeredness, materialism and greed that is immoral, that views children as a nuiscance or something that is even disposable rubbish. Who is more moral, ethicl and loving? Those who raise large families of chidlren lovingly, or those who shirk off their responsibility to their country to do so. A country cannot survive , as a distinct, unique, sovereign, independant, self sufficient people with secure borders, with broken, weak, small families.

For those in blue collar jobs, they are also a target,. Because Obama is bringing in immigrants, legal and illegal, to replace both blue collar and white collar workers, basically, there is no where to run. Basically we have a massive redistribution of wealth from Middle Class american citizens to large corporations and illegal aliens, because the illegals come in and steal American jobs, and now the American middle class is being required to subdize the illegals' welfare fraud and as well the welfare for the citizens whose jobs have been stolen.

How much will it take for american citizens to get the message. Your government hates you and is trying to do everything it can to get rid of you, to destroy your families, to drive you to extinction, to steal your jobs, and to replace you with foreign nationals? The reason that the elites who run your country just love mexicans, muslims and so on is that they are common enemies with them against you. Thats why your own elites work with and are aligned with violent organizations that represent theft of American from American citizens, such as La Raza and CAIR, which work for policies that will throw american workers onto the street so they can be replaced with third world foriegn immigrants. Its obvious that your government likes these foreign people who steal your jobs more than they like you, in fact, they have an unending hatred of you and truly your country. That is because they are globalists who want to dissolve it. So they attack its foundations, and the foundation of a society is first its families and its culture and morals.

Comment features are tools, more tools needed (Score 1) 184

I am dismayed to hear about this. If people want a dumbed down UI, don't they already have gnome? When you try to dumb things down to appeal to the lowest common denominator, you end up with software that only an idiot can use and that is useless for anyone that wants to accomplish real work. KDE has been one of the few UIs recently that has been useable and where you could find what you need because it actually has a good basket of features exposed through the UI. What makes software useable IS the features and having as many features and capabilities as possible. The fact that Linux software is so weak in capability and features compared to Windows apps is why Linux does not gain as much traction.

The idea of "advanced" screens in the UI where the more advanced features can go, and putting more commonly used features up front, is better than not having the features and is bargain I might accept, as long as this includes the exposure of fullest possible features in the UI without making assumptions about whether users may need that feature, which is project developers forcing their idea about how the software should be used on users, which never works well as they rarely know. the idea of having a UI where someone can get started quickly but offers all of the advanced features and full capabilities for a person to grow into as they learn the software does make sense. There is never an excuse for not having a feature in the GUI but I do think that it can be passable to put more advanced features in some sort of advanced screen or deeper in the UI, or in an advanced mode or something. Many developers are arrogant and assume since they do not like a feature others should not need it. This is arrogant and a good developer never assums that and gives the user full control and capability. Feature rich software with a full feature rich GUI is what really does make good software. Software is a tool and we need to give people the most tools for it to be the most useful. But developers often treat software as being a way to control users.

I would argue that average, non techie users have much more of a capability to learn a GUI interface and to learn how to use its advanced features, than they would say, computer programming and editing config files. The idea that GUIs are too complex is wrong.

Useability issues today have little to do with the core GUI, and have more to do with the lack of drivers for certain kinds of desktop hardware, such as multimedia devices. It has to do with the lack of desktop applications, and, which totally contradicts the mindset of these dumb KDE/gnome people, that Linux apps are underpowered and have far TOO FEW features compared to the WIndows counterparts, making Linux appear to be a weak, low powered OS.

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