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Comment Re:Think of the naysayers! (Score 1) 305

> And those are? A single sentence is nice, but perhaps more is needed than that.

Computer vision exists already to track pedestrians and other objects in real time. Usain Bolt can move at approximately 10m per second, so you just need to project a 10m/sec surrounding bubble as the future space of each person. If it's a busy pedestrian intersection, fall back to the old system of pedestrian lights.

Non autonomous cars can be dealt with with traffic lights, same as always, only the equipped and verified AVs and semi-AVs can run the red light and go through the AV lane running the red light.

The technical issues are solvable. Yes a 100% AV world would be more efficient here, but there's an obvious map from here to there.

Comment Think of the naysayers! (Score 2) 305

Funny how this pops up and most of the comments are immediately pointing out obvious problems that everyone would have thought about. It's a proof of concept, and as a concept this is a seriously good one. Yes there's issues with pedestrians, and with cars not enrolled, but there's ways to manage and work around those. Intersections like these are the way of the future, as are autonomous vehicles. Driving a car is going to go the same way as riding a horse - a hobby activity not an every-day thing.

Comment Re:Moving off-planet doesn't guarantee survival (Score 1) 151

You can't solve a Malthusian crisis by flying people off-planet in rockets. They breed faster than you can launch the rockets, and the rockets require far too much resource / energy to fly off.

Maybe achievable with a space elevator, but you still need somewhere to go to. The resources creating those places to go to are immense.

The only realistic cure for a Malthusian crisis are either birth control, or mass population loss.

Comment Re:The New Invasive Species (Score 5, Interesting) 231

Koalas have no reason to have much brain power.

Koalas aren't good eating - they're toxic because they're full of eucalyptus oil. So they don't need to avoid predators. They eat one thing, so all they need the brains for is to find the thing and eat it.

Having a large, metabolically active brain would be a bad thing for a koala because the food they eat is so low on nutrition they'd be wasting energy running it.

There's selective pressure *away* from having brain power.

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