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Comment Re:something new. (Score 3, Insightful) 578

The reason that languages fragmented in the past was that populations were fragmented and rarely communicated. That is not the case today. Increasingly concentrated mass media in English will cause accents and dialects of English to converge. Mind you, the root English will also evolve over hundreds and thousands of years, but eventually, everyone will speak this root English.

Comment 2% = Bald-faced lie (Score 1) 232

the world's aircraft are responsible for roughly 2.5% of global carbon dioxide emissions

All human activities contribute only 3% of global CO2 emissions; the other 97% are natural. Buried deeply in a footnote somewhere is that they are talking about *ANTHROPOGENIC* CO2 emissions which means that aviation is actually responsible for only 0.075% of global CO2 emissions. These political activists should really stop lying.

Comment Re:protecting intellectual property is... theft?! (Score 1) 328

Yes, copyright infringement is stealing.

Factually incorrect.Copyright infringement and theft have completely different legal definitions and different laws apply to each.

You're starting off on a false premise, and using mathy-looking letter variables doesn't make your logic any less sloppy.

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