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Comment for TLDW folks (Score 1) 418

- 4K is coming, but not here yet (no good ways to get content)
- Unless you have the right viewing conditions, you won't see a difference with 4K
- There are Smart TVs, but you can get a cheap add-on box (or Wii/Xbox) to get the same content
- Sets are cheaper, so you can upsize if you want

My own thoughts:
- New sets use much less power (like 60W vs. 200W for a 42" set)
- New sets often have few analog inputs (often just 1 combined component/composite input)
- Audio quality has suffered from cost-reduction in cheaper sets

Comment Re:not where from, where to? (Score 1) 523

Who's a cheater, when everyone has their own rules? Therein, I think, lies the real problem.

And banning is so easy, a child (with the right equipment) can do it. But that's usually considered against the rules (unless you wear a badge).

A big problem with that world is that it takes a lot of drudgery just to maintain your stats, so there's little time left to actually do fun stuff.

Comment Re:Everybody Chill. I Got This! (Score 1) 189

Mod parent up. Note that this is using the camera on the Wiimote to sense the position (not the accelerometer). There are multiple advantages to this:
1) It's operating much faster than 60hz (much less latency than webcams).
2) It's already detecting the position of the brightest points (no additional image processing needed).
3) Since the Wiimote is wireless, you can easily position it anywhere.
4) Since it is Bluetooth, you can interface it easily with many devices.
5) You're not making the conductor hold the Wiimote.

All you'd need to do is to paint or cover the baton tip with IR retroreflective material, and perhaps add some IR LEDs around the Wiimote sensor.
This should make the baton tip stand out. You may still get several reflections, but software should be able to sort out which is the right one.
Alternately, you can use a baton with an IR LED in the tip, if the conductor is willing.

As far as output, I've got my own idea: the basic theme is to use 4 tactile devices (such as piezos) that indicate when the baton hits the respective quadrant (up/down/left/right, with some quadrants missing according to the time, and some modifications necessary for less common signatures). For seated musicians, you can use a chair pad. For standing ones, a floor pad might work better. Or you can also use various kinds of garments (glove, arm strap, belly strap, or any combination). However you wish to apply the 4 tactile devices, the system should be able to work with it. It may make sense to rotate the up/down/left/right "compass" 45 degrees either way for better sensitivity (for the chair or floor pads, for instance).

Comment Re:Possible, but not yet. (Score 1) 143

With enough viewing angles, you get focal depth. That's what focus is, after all: bending the rays from the desired angles to meet your retinas.
The question, of course, is "what is enough?" It's actually more about the density (how many differently-angled rays are hitting your pupils?) than the absolute number.

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