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Comment Re:Time to lose Daylight Savings Time (Score 1) 310

Though to be fair, it may save some traffic accidents due to allowing more people to drive home in the daylight

Not where I live. Here, It causes more accidents. I commute east in the morning to go to work, and west in the evening to go home. There is a period of about two weeks in the Spring and two weeks in the Autumn when the Sun is just above the horizon during rush hour, in just the right position to half blind drivers, causing accidents. Correction... without Daylight Saving Time, this would happen only twice each year. But because of DST, this happens 4 time a year. Twice on the spring, and twice in the Autumn.

Actually, there are more fatal traffic accidents for the next several weeks after the switch to daylight savings time. Basically you get sleepy pedestrians and stressed, running late, sleepy drivers both navigating the roads during darkness and at the same time with the expected result of more pedestrians being hit. In car-pedestrian interactions of this sort, it's usually fatal to the pedestrian.


Comment Re:How do these anti DST people deal with life? (Score 2) 310

Explain that to the families and friends of all the people who die each year due to the switch to daylight savings time.

Some of us have a very hard time forcing ourselves to get up an hour early. When you put all of us who have that issue on the road at the same time and all suffering from lack of sleep, bad things happen. You can belittle the problem all you want but daylight savings time KILLS people.


Comment Re:Problem Solving (Score 1) 313

I don't know how you would teach "logical problem solving" without some vehicle like math, programming, etc.

Flowcharts no longer exist? When did that happen?

Sometimes I actually find it amusing when people criticize some unmentioned, tangental aspect of an assertion and then don't bother to connect what they've said or offer an alternative. In your case it's just sad.


Comment Re:Problem Solving (Score 4, Insightful) 313

I think problem solving and logic are much more important than coding itself. Lots of kids have no interest in coding and it will just be another class they struggle in. Teach them how to solve a problem logically and they can apply it to lots of things in life. Coding can be used as examples to show how the logic flows through the process from beginning to end, but to try and force a bunch of kids to learn how to code variables, If Then statements, recursive loops, I'd be banging my head against a wall as a teacher.

"Ah, but teaching them coding is a vehicle for teaching them logical problem solving," said the ex-math teacher in rebuttal. I used to use the same rationale for explaining to students why they needed the logical problem solving abilities they were learning in my math classes as much (if not more) than they needed the actual math techniques. I don't know how you would teach "logical problem solving" without some vehicle like math, programming, etc.


Comment Alpha geeks (Score 1) 312

In any technical project requiring more than a few people a small number of the people assigned will gradually emerge as the technical leads, the alpha geeks. This isn't by designation. It's a meritocracy in action. Even though there is no official process, the results are fairly objective. Lower levels of management retain some vestiges of requiring technical competence but, the higher you go, the more the results of who gets promoted are governed by how well an individual shmoozes, kisses fanny, acts as their own PR and other subjective qualities. It is very difficult for higher management to differentiate between an easy project and a competent manager or a hard project and an incompetent manager.

If the above situation isn't enough to keep good engineers from becoming engineering managers, the reward you get for moving to the management track is technical obsolescence. The only thing you become qualified to do is be a manager. In larger companies the only thing you may be qualified to do is be a manager at that company since the bulk of you time is consumed by navigating the arcane bureaucracy that you are part of.


Comment Re:what if... (Score 1) 716

My wife and I have been remodeling our house one room at a time so I know exactly what you mean about houses, cars and any number of reasonably complex consumer products. On the other hand, Microsoft is a company that has perfected "close enough" in software. I started off working in the DoD software world where a much higher standard was expected of any product and don't even get me started with regard to "man-rated" software where a failure could mean loss of life.


Comment Re:what if... (Score 1) 716

An even bigger problem is that with software, we don't get to just say "Close Enough". If you look at any building, bridge, wall, whatever, you will find huge numbers of defects. If the bridge doesn't fall down we say "Close Enough". With industries like medicine, standards are even looser.

Software development is just about the only industry where perfection is expected.

You don't use many Microsoft products...


Comment Re:what if... (Score 1) 716

Real example:

I was working on a radar project. The spec for the tracker had an error in one of the equations used for converting from doppler shift to actual velocity. The programmer coded it as it was in the spec. We didn't discover the error until testing showed some simulated tracks zooming off at mach 10. First thought was that the programmer made a typo. Programmer showed that the implementation matched the spec. No doubt about the spec until the test results showed a problem.

Programmer scew ups are usually met with an "Oh shit. I can't believe I did that." Other bugs usually take significant effort to uncover what's wrong. It remains an open question as to who is responsible when something like an API is part of the problem. My take is that if the programmer chose to use a particular library to solve the problem at hand then the programmer has a responsibility to confirm that the code plus the library actually solves the problem (e.g., unit test). If the API is inflicted on the developer by management then management has a responsibility to ensure that the API does what is claimed.


Comment Re:what if... (Score 2) 716

Bugs are rarely just he result of a programmer screwing up.

That's rather kind. Bugs happen all the time just because programmers screwed up.

The difficulty with the software industry is that we have not yet developed good objective criteria for saying which bugs are really down to a specific programmer's error as the root cause and which could instead be attributed significantly or entirely to other causes. What's more, we have even less ability to set criteria that are still useful if you're a lawyer or manager or client rather than a technical expert who understands how things actually work.

Having spent about one-third of my career in software QA, it's really not that hard to tell which bugs are programmer screw-ups and which ones have a deeper cause. Although there is that grey area where the programmer didn't understand the underlying system or some interfacing system because the documentaion sucked.


Comment Re:what if... (Score 4, Interesting) 716

or the design of the foundation is incorrect, or the client wanted a wooden wall instead of brick, or the brick manufacturer changed how the bricks are made becuase of a change in the brick standard, or the bricks had to be changed because they were found to be vulnerable to attacks by clay termites, or ....

Bugs are rarely just he result of a programmer screwing up.


Comment Re:Whose phone is banned? (Score 1) 366

Inexpensive ear plugs work reasonably well. I've actually been glared at by the parent(s) who seemed to think entertaining their spawn was a public requirement as I stuck my ear plugs in my ears. Personal music works, too, but may harm your hearing if loud enough to drown out the kid. Back when you had to turn off such things during climb out and descent was also a problem.


Comment Re:I'm confused (Score 1) 366

Up until about 5 years ago, it was common to see phones on certain long haul planes in the backs of seats. Hell, a subplot of Die Hard 2 revolves around the fact that this existed. Why is this a problem now and not then?

Cost. The phone in the back of the seat cost about a dollar a minute (or more) to use. Great for making a quick call to someone to say your flight changed, was late, is early, whatever. Not good for chatting inanely. Self-limits people wanting to just yak continuously.


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