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Comment Re:Excellent news for Unesco (Score 1) 735

UNESCO in the past has been political too. US pulled out of UNESCO for a long time after a certain media report seemed to criticize freedom of the press;

That seems to be political posturing by the US, not UNESCO.

Whether these criticisms are fair or not, UNESCO isn't keeping itself above the political fray and being a purely cultural and educational institution.

I think you're having a go at individual states rather than UNESCO. Without citations of specific UNESCO interference in international politics, your accusation is without merit.

Comment Re:USA against the World? (Score 1) 735

I don't think China will care one iota about a possible chance to increase their funding for UN projects knowing full well the UN is merely a symbolic body that nobody takes seriously.

Keeping Taiwan off the international agendas and as a permanent member of the Security Council, I think China takes their UN membership very seriously.

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