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Comment Re:Math (Score 1) 576

Unfortunately for conservatives, good for the rest of us, science is the antichrist and must be avoided at all costs.

In Australia, and seemingly from afar the US, the conservatives are trapped in the paradox of selling ice to eskimos. They market to, rally with and exclusively listen to themselves then get very surprised when election after election they increase their majorities in the their safe seats and don't have much effect, except on those occasions when the opposition has been in power to long.

In the 70's & 80's , again in Australia but apparently the US to, they diversified to dupe the working class into believing they cared for them, despite massive job losses, safety net cuts etc etc every time they were elected, against all logic. A cadre that is all about the delusion that giving tax cuts to rich people increases employment sees the working class as fodder for the important people. These were the captives of the shock jocks and newscorpse where fact was anathema and dumbarse patriotism despite the facts was the norm. Hopefully social media is starting to affect that as the non right is starting to pull back from its flight to the intelligensia they started in the 60's and are using repeated personal logic to overcome the lies from the likes of the tea party.

Comment Re:If only! (Score 1) 277

If only there were some way for me to tell which permissions an app will use when I install it!

If only there was a way to tell which permissions Google is forcing on the app developers.

Basically just like apple if you want to use apps you need to allow inappropriate permissions. Why games are allowed to read my phone state is beyond me.

Google released a new slew of spy ware type permissions about six months ago. Every single app now uses them in preparation for this "ambient" advertising they've promised.

Comment Re:Isolated? (Score 1) 626

And, of course, no mention is made of other factors, only whether or not marijuana was in use. Well, the same can be said of alcohol. Or caffeine. Or a host of other substances. I'm sure the "study" only shows a correlation, not causation. When they can prove that it's more harmful than any legal substance, I'll still say it's up to the individual to decide what to do with his/her body. And I'll agree to limits on use by minors when everyone agrees that abortion can't be done on a minor. It's about the sovereignty of the person over his or her own body. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Exactly how they found pot heads who weren't also on booze , Tobacco and / or other substances is beyond me.

And I'll agree to limits on use by minors when everyone agrees that abortion can't be done on a minor. It's about the sovereignty of the person over his or her own body. Nothing more. Nothing less.

This bit is offtopic bullshit but that's life.

Comment How can anyone be confused as to the reason (Score 1) 280

The multinationals have artificially increased the price of goods coming to Australia for years by;

      1. Enforcing rights management and getting monopolies which allow them to overcharge.
      2. Lately DRM has been a sledgehammer to try and maintain this cosy overcharge. Any attempts at parallel imports are fought tooth and nail with the same fallacious arguments as the drug companies & cigarette companies use. No warranty, no standards,
      3. Governments don't care. Almost guarantee this inquiry will get no-where.
      4. Local retailers add to the issue by taking the overpriced imports from wholesalers / manufacturers and adding an overly large markup especially in on line retailing, the 10% GST is a minor component but they try and justify the same price as at bricks & mortar stores by claiming GST cost. Blaming the customer is easier than fighting the monopolies.

How Amazon can ship a book from the US to Australia , single unit not bulk so shipping cost higher , and sell it for half the cheapest on line book sourced here and 70% cheaper than the cheapest bookstore is beyond me. Likewise electronics etc.

Yes economies of scale make it cheaper to make & sell in the US etc but not that much. Most local manufacturing of these items have been outsourced to China years ago so the economy of scale isn't as significant as they claim.

Basically until the US government realise the real pirates are the multinational companies clamoring for DRM nothing will change. That won't happen in my lifetime.

Comment Lawyers? (Score 1) 544

Apples & Samsungs lawyers at a guess.

Patent laws have seriously past their useful life and are now a means to keep the lawyers fed.

When you can patent rubbing your finger across something then there is no hope.

Comment Re:It's an Emergent Bug (Score 1) 172

Breathing is not dependent on gravity. You can walk on your feet, lay on your back, stand on your head, or float inside the ISS - and be still breathing.

Um funnily enough each of those examples are subject to gravity. Except for the ISS example they are all subject to the same gravity or is standing on your head more likely to lead to floating?

The ISS is subject to micro gravity but still subject to Gravity,

Comment Re:Flamebait in Headline (Score 1) 306

Last I checked, Google is not selling "their own shit" as a product.

I am speaking here as a professional SQL developer with nearly a decade of experience and a very solid knowledge of relational theory. For many of the things we use relational DBs for, they are the best solution. But there are a lot of other applications for which a RDBMS is overkill, and a tool like BigTable is ideal. There are others where a single XML file would be better. There are others where a simple text file would be better.

If people would stop arguing that you have to use a jack-hammer to solve a problem best suited to a ballpeen, we wouldn't have these arguments.

As ever the problem is that Managers want a single solution for all issues. The real world has never worked like that.

So because the Managers are swayed by marketing buzz they decide everything will be NoSql desoite their techos telling them this will cause more issues. All they see is the up front savings.

Until Managers are stopped from making decisions like this stories like this that totally miss the point will continue.

Comment Re:You're a company (Score 1) 430

I'd assume because primarily trolls such as yourself only understand, whilst still manfully ignoring, points when repeated ad infinitum, are simple and go no longer than two lines without text wrappin.

Trying to say that because people earn profits from companies they should have the protections extended to individuals is facile, self serving and in words you may understand stupid beyond belief. Only propagandists would believe pre-digested pap such as "I have an arm therefore I am human".

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