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Submission + - Rod Brooks predicts Cars will be Robots in 20 year

Anonymous Coward writes: "The Talking Robots podcast has interviewed Rodney Brooks on behavior based robotics. He talks about how mosquitoes in Thailand led him to develop behavior based robotics, which revolutionized robotics and artificial intelligence. In the second part he comments on the current trends and future developments. 20 years from now, he predicts, our cars will be robots. 50 years from now he predicts crossing paths for robots and humans, with us and them sharing many of our spare parts. Interesting!"

Submission + - What if the mario brothers were schizophrenics?

boyohboy writes: "Quite possibly the strangest flash game ever created. Using a combination of odd poetic text, weird hand drawn scribbles, old film clips and strange little creatures, the game/artwork, “game, game, game and again game” is what would happen if the Mario Brothers were schizophrenics. The artwork’s creator suggests that this game is a response to the polished appearance and clean lines of flash web design. But, at the very least, it is one of the most original games I’ve ever seen on the net. Explore the game and its strange rolling type creature."

Submission + - Sony Gets Bad Press from Grusome Publicity Stunt

walnutmon writes: Sony is suffering a backlash from a recent publicity stunt that seems to have been in bad taste.

In a time of increasing public sensitivity to video game violence, Sony has gone to the extreme by publishing pictures from a party featuring topless cocktail waitresses and, get this: a freshly decapitated goat.

From the article:

The corpse of the decapitated animal was the centerpiece of a party to celebrate the launch of the God Of War II game for the company's PlayStation 2 console.

Guests at the event were even invited to reach inside the goat's still-warm carcass to eat offal from its stomach.

Sickening images of the party have appeared in the company's official PlayStation magazine — but after being contacted by The Mail on Sunday, Sony issued an apology for the gruesome stunt and promised to recall the entire print run.

Sony has been no stranger to bad press in recent years, between a rootkit scandal and countless corporate mishaps, this latest debacle just begs the question: When are they going to learn that there is such thing as bad press?

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