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Comment Re:Deniers (Score 1) 525

You've presented a hypothesis as to why the models are wrong

Inaccurate and wrong aren't the same thing. The models aren't accurate predictors. They remain correct, just incorrect in timing, but when modeling runs were lined up with the actual timing by chance they proved to not only be right but accurate as well. They are still trying to tune the models to the earths natural cycles that affect the timing of the predictions, not the prediction itself.

Comment Re:Intent matters. (Score 3, Insightful) 312

It really doesn't matter what the federalist papers propose or the founders discussed because the weapons the government allows you to own are no threat whatsoever to them. Modern heavy weaponry is not allowed to be owned and without it no citizenry could stand up against a government willing to use said heavy weaponry against their citizens. The 2nd amendment defense against government aggression died when the federal government was allowed to classify weapons and restrict access to the heaviest of those weapons.

I'm a big supporter of 2nd amendment rights but you are fooling yourself if you think your handgun and semi-automatic rifles are a deterrent to government aggression. The only thing that protects Americans from government aggression in the 21st century is our armed forces being unwilling to take action against the citizenry. That's it, if the military as a whole decided to side with an autocratic regime that seized power in the US there would be no civilian resistance because anyone that tried would be dead. Small arms are not an effective weapon against armored heavy weaponry. This is just a fact.

There should be no need to defend the 2nd amendment using this silly defense against government. The 2nd amendment exists and it's not going to go away no matter how much the anti-gun lobby wants it to.

Comment Re:yes (Score 2) 416

Unlike cold fusion this has been duplicated at least 3 times. And NASA even tried to break the system deliberately and it still worked meaning they really have no idea how it works. I'd say with 3 successful independent tests by some very smart people and we've got something interesting even if it turns out to be worthless as a propulsion device. They are going to be writing papers about this for years trying to understand the effect and it's nuances. They might have discovered some new aspect of the universe we didn't understand, or they could have simply discovered that taking measurements on a device like this is problematic.

Just goes to show there are so many areas we've just barely scratched the surface in. Even if this isn't some amazing new propulsion device it's possibly going to reveal something about EM radiation we didn't fully understand. Either way it's pretty cool IMO. It's not often you run into these situations where you can basically stump some very smart people with something that shouldn't exist. Cold fusion might have ended up being nothing but a chemical reaction but out of the gate that was pretty obvious as no one could duplicate the results. This has independent confirmation to at least some degree.

Comment Re:Price won't come down (Score 1) 317

The only problem is that the entire battery industry is being driven by products that demand weight be a consideration. So your aluminum battery doesn't just need to be cheaper for the same KWhr it also needs to be able to keep up with the research progression on lithium. Lithium might not be the best battery system but it's here to stay because there are so many of them being produced. It's just like lead-acid batteries, they are ancient technology with poor design characteristics. The problem is they are almost impossible to displace because they are so entrenched at this point. The Nissan leaf even has a lead acid battery for various minor energy use tasks.

The better technology doesn't always win, much of the time being first to the party is all that's needed to become entrenched.

Comment Re:Simply not true. (Score 1) 317

That's actually a pretty good analogy. Though the digital photography business went quicker than solar has solar has hit the point where mass production is now dramatically lowering prices at a geometric rate. In 10 years the amount of coal being mined will probably be 50% of what it is today and the production rates will drop 50% 5years later and at an ever increasing rate it will slowly evaporate as a resource down to the bare minimum extraction rate where coal is used for non power generating reasons.

And the world will be far better off. Coal is a devastatingly bad energy source. It's full of concentrated pollution that took millions of years for ancient life to scrub out and bury. And we've conveniently dug it up and been diligently burning the stuff to pump all that pollution back into the air. The end of the carbon energy age is nigh and it's not soon enough.

Comment Re:Sanders amazes me (Score 5, Informative) 395

Nearly half the people in the country pay no income taxes at all

This is an outright lie. You probably don't even realize it's a lie because you've bought into the propaganda. Every person who hold a job pays taxes including those on income. Social security and medicare taxes are NOT exempt-able and they ARE income taxes. The only way to not pay social security and medicare/medicaid taxes is to not have income, something the wealthy are remarkably good at not paying for. On top of this they pay their state taxes, including income, cigarette, alcohol, gas, sales and property along with all the other miscellaneous taxes and fees. In fact as a percentage of their income the poorest among us pay the highest proportion of their income in taxes than anyone else.

The nugget of truth that makes your lie so insidious is that the poorest among us don't pay FEDERAL income tax but they still pay taxes and they still pay income taxes. This little lie and deception allows you to paint entire segments of our society as non-contributing freeloaders and it's NOT TRUE.

All your bullshit numbers are based solely on federal income tax. They disregard all the other taxes entirely as if they don't exist and it's complete and utter horseshit. The most important fact, the one you completely ignore is that the poorest among us pay something like 50% of their income in various federal, state and local taxes. As a percentage of income they are the highest taxed individuals in this country.

Personally I'm a big believer that those people who have benefited the most from the system and have the means to support it should be the ones that have the highest burden in paying for it. That is NOT asking a lot.

Comment Re:Connection? (Score 4, Interesting) 20

Before engaging in such speculation maybe you should calculate the volume of water you are talking about and the amount of energy it would require to raise that volume of water the temperature difference and compare that amount of energy to the known heat output of volcano's assuming every bit of energy is converted to heat.

Once you've done that calculation then you can come back and speculate knowing that there is no way in hell a volcano could actively heat that volume of water and hold that temperature fairly constant for several years unless it was the largest super volcano the planet has ever seen. It takes a LOT of heat to raise the temperature of even small volumes of water and the volume of water you are talking about is NOT small.

No volcano's aren't raising the temperature of the ocean in anything but the smallest of areas directly adjacent to the eruption, nor are they the source of climate change. If what you suggest was possible all the water around the island of Hawaii would be near boiling because of all the lava entering the ocean there.

Comment Re:this is science, so you have to ask... (Score 1) 301

If you think that everyone that has a hand in reviewing or providing comments at the request of the author on a paper should be listed as sources or authors you don't know anything about how scientific papers work.

Conversely if you think the only people involved in a scientific paper are either authors or sources you don't know anything about scientific papers or the process.

Almost NO ONE is going to submit a paper for publishing without having everyone they can convince to help them read it and provide comments. It just doesn't happen. None of those people are sources, authors or included in the bibliography. That would just be plain stupid. If they did that stupid idea the bibliography would be 20 pages of people that read the paper and provided comments or editing help making it utterly worthless.

Comment Re:This again? (Score 2) 480

The more reproductions without someone figuring out what's wrong with the test the more likely it is that it's not the test that's wrong.

This engine is interesting on many fronts, the most important of which is it appears to violate what we know about conservation of momentum and IF it does it's going to actually point to some fundamental constant or principle of the universe that we've missed as long as it's not an experimental error. This is a big hurdle to take so it's going to take a LOT of evidence there is no mistakes with the test or engine.

Could be pretty cool if it turns out real. We won't need to ever worry about fuel for satellites and all you would need to travel to mars or even Pluto or even another star would be an energy source that would last the length of the journey. I wouldn't be surprised to see the DOD put one of these into space ASAP to find out if the work, it would revolutionize spy satellites if they don't have to worry about propulsion fuel.

Comment Re:Fair (Score 3, Informative) 126

Then they shouldn't land the plane and make you switch planes. As soon as they land the plane and make you disembark whether you board the second flight is up to you. Otherwise that other plane better not take off without you, you think they would hold the second plane for you?

These fairs are cheaper with layovers are games the airlines play with fairs to maximize revenue. No one should be under any obligation to play along if they don't want to. Suing someone that facilitates exploiting this loophole in their system is nothing more than attacking free speech.

Comment Re:Minor inconvenience for United (Score 4, Insightful) 126

Other than they were jurisdiction shopping in a venue that would be more likely to win because they are headquartered there and the juror pool would be likely to be influenced by that?

The judge didn't rule on venue without it being challenged by the defense. United didn't pick this court by accident.

Comment Re:There's a shock... (Score 1) 174

Do you have a source for these problems with DNA analysis? Because I'd like to see it. It's my understanding that the FBI has always been on the cutting edge with DNA and has been pretty cautious in court testimony about it.

The FBI for years used, in court, hair analysis, handwriting and audio experts that couldn't prove anything. They've all been proven to be pseudo sciences with no actual ability to prove anything with an accuracy better than random guessing. There are a LOT of people in jail based entirely on evidence the FBI submitted using these pseudo sciences. This shouldn't really surprise anyone as the FBI is one of the biggest supporters of "lie detectors". Which is the pseudo science that makes all the other pseudo sciences look reasonable.

Comment Re:Regulatory Capture (Score 1) 355

If you think that's how science or EPA policy and rule making takes place you are a moron. You've presented an example that's not feasible, not within the required policy frameworks and not even reasonable. Yet you present it like it's rational. Maybe learn about how the rule making process works, if you understood even 10% of that you would know how stupid your example is.

This bill has one intent, to gut environmental science and the EPA's rule making authority and do so covertly rather than just abolishing the EPA that Congress created. But they are to chickenshit to actually try to abolish the EPA because they know the bad press would kill them. Just like no matter how many times they say they want to abolish medicare when the chips are down they won't propose or vote on a single bill to do so because the electorate would kill them. If they weren't so chickenshit they would try to change the law they wrote to alter the NEPA law so it can't be used for CO2. Good luck getting them to not be chickenshit.

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