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Comment Re:It has always worked for me (Score 1) 110

Even more interesting is that the effect measured only applies to paper books. When the same book is read from an e-format, there is no lasting effect.

Research or not the above is bullshit. I am reading Don Quixote right now - on an E Reader. I don't think my brain or me cares about how I read it.

Comment Re:News that matters??? (Score 1) 6

Corruption is a non-issue. Is it ethically wrong? Yes. But I don't understand "reduced productivity due to corruption". If someone bribes someone how will their productivity reduce? May be their income, or if its an organization, their profits might decrease.
What I realize is that these people who champion "reforms" has no idea about what they want. They just parrot few keywords "reform", "open up sectors" etc. with no idea of its real world implications.

Comment Re:What nonsense on land ownership... (Score 1) 121

The reason women do not inherit land from farming families is very complex...neither you understand, neither The Hindu understand.
Also, as a society you can only create a legal and policy framework for change. For example - you can only create a law which bans types of 'racism' - not actually eradicate racism - that's up to the people who practice.
And the solution you are giving, using Bitcoin as dowry is the most boneheaded I have heard in my lifetime. My question remains - what the hell are you smoking!

Comment A certain bubble... (Score 1) 75

Bitcoin is certainly in a bubble. My ex called a few days back and asked "what do you think of investing in Bitcoin?"
I replied..."The reason you heard about Bitcoin is because its in a bubble. So do not invest. If you were asking me this question early in 2012 I would have said yes. Wait till it goes below $100."
It seems one of her acquaintances, the scion of a wealthy business family is getting into the game with a Singapore based exchange. That guy can lose a lot and it won't matter, for regular folks it will be stupid to invest in Bitcoin now.

Comment You have no idea of what you are talking about... (Score 2) 53

If it is this bad for outsiders how terrible is it for Indians who manage to have some success?

I don't think you have any idea about India, except some anecdotal tales from "businessmen who were treading dangerous waters".
I am yet to see Indians complaining of lack of respect from Western business world. I don't know what you are talking about...did an Indian say, "please white brother, please respect us".
There are enough Indian companies in various verticals thriving in India. The corruption you are talking about exists in different forms all over the world. In the most business friendly country - US - it will be lobbying groups buying access and may be lawmakers and laws themselves. The corruption which exists in India is of the same need to vilify this country with an extra dose of scorn. And a small country like Canada (you guys have the population of my home state, Kerala, and I know about your country, I was a landed immigrant in Canada who got bored of your country and returned to India) or Scandinavian nations does not make a valid comparison. If you compare Canada with Kerala it may make sense...Kerala has 100% literacy and is relatively non corrupt. If the state was a country, we would be up in Transparency Index rankings.
Judiciary is relatively non-corrupt in India. It was the Delhi High Court which lifted the freeze of assets. A commentator made a sarcastic note "someone was bribed". I don't think so. No one with some common sense will try to bribe a Delhi High Court judge, there is no need in this case and it can backfire spectacularly.

Comment You are not a racist, you are ignorant... (Score 3, Interesting) 226

There are certain sectors in India which work well. The tax department being one of them. And surprisingly there are honest politicians, policemen, judges and so on. Broadly categorizing India and Indians as corrupt is a weak generalization.
What if I say every adult Finn is a closet xenophobe? Will you agree to this generalization?
Nokia may or may not be liable to this tax. The rule of the land you have to follow. There is a judicial process if you want to take that path to contest. Indians and Indian government need not be blamed if the sale of Nokia is held up due to this issue. It does not matter to us. Blame the consulting idiots who are advising Microsoft and Nokia in this sale for overlooking these issues.
And any comment regarding "India will lose, we will take our business elsewhere" is an empty threat. India is one billion strong - we have one of the biggest middle classes and the largest group of young population in this planet. Take your business elsewhere and you will lose. Ask yourself - where will you take your business - China? Russia? Yes, they are great places as far as I know.
Now, get off my lawn.

Comment Re: No, they don't work (Score 1) 670

The reality is that unless you've been 50-100 pounds overweight all your life and worked your way down to a healthy weight for at least 5 years, your opinion about what makes people fat is worth less than dog shit.

I am six feet. I lost 4 inches - 40 waist size to 36 - in one year.
What did I do?
Daily 40-50 minute brisk walking (jogging might damage knee joints), some stomach crunches and push ups. The same time reduced carbohydrates (which was easy as a South Indian - all I had to do was reduce - not avoid - the amount of rice in the diet.) I have not avoided sugar. I take alcohol, though now a days its rare. (In India good beer is insanely expensive, so you don't feel having one.)
Was the exercise regime easy to follow? was, at least for me. The exercise gave me so much energy it became some type of addiction.
Can anyone do the same? Yes. But they won't. The key is both exercise and reduced carbs - a mix not easy for everyone to adopt. I regularly see people start on a routine and drop after a few days. And I also notice long time dedicated walkers and joggers.
Is genetics to blame if you cannot be disciplined? I have no idea. But I don't expect everyone to have willpower and focus for such situations. May be I was lucky.

Comment Copyright in the internet era... (Score 1) 129

How will 'copyright' affect the average citizen anywhere in the world as far as video/audio/books are concerned?
If you upload something on You Tube they will pull it down if it infringes on someone's copyright. This is usually an issue with audio, with visual data its not that simple, but still possible.
Metallica proved that you cannot win the hearts and minds by taking a strong stance against popular sentiment. I don't see any artist going that path again.
The worst case scenario would be some corporation claiming copyright for singing "Happy Birthday". But that's a far fetched scenario.
Corporations will lock it down to the max they can. Let them. At some point they will start leaking their own stuff. Because for art and entertainment, you want people to watch and listen.
About cellphone unlocking and software patents...that's a different beast altogether.

Comment Mandela did next to nothing!!! (Score 1) 311

South Africa of today is one of the most dangerous and violent places on earth; Mandela did next to nothing to address black on white or even black-on-black violence. There was a huge white-flight out of SA during the 90s.

Mandela's biggest legacy and creditable achievement as the President is the Also he was the premier for five years, that too on a country as big as South Africa without any administrative experience (he was in prison for 27 years.) From all accounts he did well. He may not have micromanaged the affairs, but on a policy level his actions look far reaching and inspirational.
Wikipedia says from 1995, 800000 of a total white population of 5.2 million left the country. I think the white flight out of South Africa would have happened even if Mahatma Gandhi was the President. Its an inevitable knee jerk reaction.

Comment Solutions.. (Score 1) 495

Any solution to global warming, or any movement to combat an issue affecting humanity should involve the following three countries...China, India and USA...these are the three biggest countries as far as population goes and can have the most impact - right now or in immediate future.
What Norway or other smaller Scandinavian countries propose and follows is commendable...but its nothing more than good PR.
As far as vegetarian / vegan goes, India is more or less "Shuddh Shakahari" - Hindi/Sanskrit for "Pure Vegetarian".

Comment Here's a solution... (Score 1) 135

I moved all the cache directories of Firefox/Chrome/IE and even the temp directory of OS and all applications point to a cheap USB thumb drive.

I have not looked around to find out if there is more writes happening elsewhere other than cache/temp...but I guess a super majority is taken care of.

The above might be the reason the SSD did not 'disappear' when a power outage happened.

Now, as far as I know the only cache I cannot control is when the virtual machines are booted up - swap spaces remain in the SSD.

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