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Comment Re:islam (Score 1) 1350

Of course they had their own religion, so to speak, that they wanted to force on unbeliievers.

Hence religion and politics are actually the same phenomenon, and are about expanding control.
The correct solution is to recognize this and let people be free from capture by either, for the exact same reason.

You already know this reason...for classical religion.

Comment Re:islam (Score 1) 1350

Capitalism will arise naturally in an economically free world. Politics, a religion, has to actively work to stop it.

As for Libertarianism, as it wants you to be free from government control, and for government to only secure your freedoms so you can pursue them without interference, it is the political equivalent of atheism -- believe what you want, Mr. Other Politics guy, but when you force me into your ism, you're going too far, just as a religion forcing you to join does.

Sadly, a bare 51% transient majority suffices as memetic justification for adherants to feel good about themselves when forcing their politics on others.

Comment Re:islam (Score 1) 1350

Marxism is a large memeplex whose purpose is to gather enough followers so they can seize control over those who choose not to follow, and force its tenets on them as well.

Politics and religions are the exact same phenomenon. The correct solution to both is inherent freedom from compusion to join them.

Comment Re:Not doing what they're thinking (Score 1) 573

Ahh, the old "people who disagree with me must be mentally unbalanced based on that disagreement" meme, a common one in a memeplex's mass control mechanism, and a modern variant on "if you disagree, you are in league with the Devil" of antiquity.

Well, I best not disagree with you lest the lemming feature initiate thousands like you to tsk tsk me, which obviously I do not want, as I seek approval from you like Lisa Simpson does, giving emotional certainty to my positions in a feedback loop.

Comment Re:C versus Assembly Language (Score 1) 226

The real problem is you need to be expert in the target processor(s) with special instruction slots and the break even points for unrolling a loop and dozens of other peculiarities. Processors are co-designed with compilers now for a reason. . It's not enough to just be clever in translating an algorithm to a little math virtual world of chars and floats and other atomic, hardware-level operations.

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