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Comment Re:Something It Isn't (Score 2) 775

Why such obsession with the government? As bad as US government is, I have more trust in the worst of the government than the best of private businesses. Government at least has to be corrupt or controlled by nutty ideologues to be irresponsible (granted, this is often the case). But businesses have just as much power and none of the responsibility to begin with. Whatever responsibility they may have, is imposed by the government.

So no, as uncomfortable it may make me feel, I would rather trust a cop standing on a street corner with a camera pointing at me, than Google with storing recording of absolutely everything everywhere. And I like plenty of things that Google does.

Comment Re:Sad Sad Sad (Score 0) 443

Of course, they can!

They can mandate that any device that has any kind of computer control (what now means, anything more complex than all-mechanical kitchen faucet) will have to have "certified" hardware-software "solution", that the only providers of such solutions will be Sony and Microsoft, and every other company providing such "solutions" will have to be approved by incumbents (who would only approve their own resellers).

Comment Re:not so simple... Re:I should hope so (Score 0) 279

He is not capable of any major harm of course,


I just worry one day I'm gonna hear about another nutcase shooting spree, and hear his name as the culprit...


he is convinced he has Asperger's (he doesn't display any symptoms except "being smart",

and immediately then:

which he isn't at all)


Comment Re:price tag is irrelavant (Score 0) 289

I would think that studying how fast a 1-year-old learns to say "mine" compared to "ours" would refute such a claim...

One year old babies neither talk, nor have a concept of other people being their peers.

Anyway, ownership behaviour seem to me to be quite related, whether they are claimed by an individual, a family, a company or a state. "Theft" from such an "owner" seem to be met with similar emotional responses across all such owner classes.

No, that's a much more fundamental concept of causing harm. Taking away something a person needs, harms him regardless of any "ownership" involved.

Comment Re:Good (Score 0) 1145

and given time we can slowly move to using metric all of the time if we want. The most effective change happens so slowly that you can't pinpoint when exactly it happened. Since there's no urgency here, it will be fine if it takes another generation or so to fully transition.

You don't understand. It takes a generation after the point when using the wrong system will get you fined, laughed at, or punched in the face. Otherwise the old system, no matter how idiotic, continues to perpetuate itself indefinitely.

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