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Comment Re:Sad Sad Sad (Score 0) 443

Of course, they can!

They can mandate that any device that has any kind of computer control (what now means, anything more complex than all-mechanical kitchen faucet) will have to have "certified" hardware-software "solution", that the only providers of such solutions will be Sony and Microsoft, and every other company providing such "solutions" will have to be approved by incumbents (who would only approve their own resellers).

Comment Re:not so simple... Re:I should hope so (Score 0) 279

He is not capable of any major harm of course,


I just worry one day I'm gonna hear about another nutcase shooting spree, and hear his name as the culprit...


he is convinced he has Asperger's (he doesn't display any symptoms except "being smart",

and immediately then:

which he isn't at all)


Comment Re:price tag is irrelavant (Score 0) 289

I would think that studying how fast a 1-year-old learns to say "mine" compared to "ours" would refute such a claim...

One year old babies neither talk, nor have a concept of other people being their peers.

Anyway, ownership behaviour seem to me to be quite related, whether they are claimed by an individual, a family, a company or a state. "Theft" from such an "owner" seem to be met with similar emotional responses across all such owner classes.

No, that's a much more fundamental concept of causing harm. Taking away something a person needs, harms him regardless of any "ownership" involved.

Comment Re:Good (Score 0) 1145

and given time we can slowly move to using metric all of the time if we want. The most effective change happens so slowly that you can't pinpoint when exactly it happened. Since there's no urgency here, it will be fine if it takes another generation or so to fully transition.

You don't understand. It takes a generation after the point when using the wrong system will get you fined, laughed at, or punched in the face. Otherwise the old system, no matter how idiotic, continues to perpetuate itself indefinitely.

Comment Re:rather have money (Score 0) 524

Of course, they do! They just pay everything to their executives.

In general, the idea of "profit" as something objective and measureable is completely idiotic for most of the modern companies, because a sizeable chunk of what is expense for the company, is income for the people who are in control of it.

Comment Re:Don't copy that floppy! (Score 0) 289

Then enlighten us about your preferred consumption method of modern history.

Anything attributed to unknown or un-verifiable sources is likely to be a lie.
Anything that is accompanied with ideological editorializing is likely to be a lie.
Anything said by "historian" about anything hapening across some major ideological conflict is likely to be a lie.
Anything said by "historian" about his own government is likely to be a lie.
Anything said by American "historian" is likely to be a lie.
Anything said by a pissed off writer is likely to be a lie.

Whatever left... Yeah, that's really not much, but you usually can trust your own memory and published documents when those documents were a part of some process where validity mattered.

Comment Re:How can you have a software defined network? (Score 0) 75

he article was written by the guy that did the driver, I think we can assume he knows his stuff.

Most of the driver is just a copy of Intel driver, with additional functionality bolted on top. Whatever the author's abilities are, the goal was not to produce a working protocol stack, and benchmarks of this hack can't be used to predict anything but the behavior of this hack.

No it appears that if you want to switch more than 10-18 Gbit/s the computer would have a memory bandwidth problem. Trying to use multiple cores and NUMA might improve on that, but I do not think you would manage to build a 24 port switch that switches at line speed this way :-).

But if you could somehow get an external switch to do 99% of the work, this might work...

And then they would inevitably slow down this hack, too, what makes me doubt the validity of the measurements.

I am not sure how much more we can get out of this discussion. From my side I believe you are going too far in trying to make a problem out of something that actually works quite well for some very large companies (Google and HP!).

Those companies merely announced that they intend to use this "technology" somewhere. They are not throwing out the routers they have. They likely replace some level 2 and level 3 switches ("almost routers") and treat the whole thing as a fancier management protocol for simple mostly flat or statically configured networks that they have in abundance. For all we know, Google may already have no routers at all except for links between their data centers, as they are famous for customizing their hardware/network infrastructure for their own unique software infrastructure, and would probably gain more from multi-port servers connected by very primitive switches into clusters with VLAN or even physical topology following the topology of their applications' interfaces.

Packets need to be delayed when the controller needs to be queried and that is true for both OpenFlow and traditional switches.

Except traditional switches never have high-latency, unreliable links between their components, and the data formats follow the optimized design of ASICs and not someone's half-baked academic paper.

We are just fighting over some nano or possible microseconds here with no one showing that it actually matters.

Then why don't people just place Ethernet between a CPU and RAM? It's "nano or possibly microseconds", right?

Google uses for, or they wouldn't be doing it.

See above.

At my company we are using it too and it works very well for us. We are an ISP by the way.

If it works, then the way you use it, did not require anything complex to begin with, and you use it as yet another management protocol. You could have bought cheap level 3 switches before, and configure them to do exactly the same thing with command line, except with less buzzwords.

Comment Re:price tag is irrelavant (Score 0) 289

Ownership is a lot more than the right to deny use (and not always the right to deny use), and the "extensions of our body" argument is also flawed. The basis of "ownership" is our territorial instinct. If you move into my land (or speak to my woman), I will knock you in the head with my club. If I didn't do that, I would starve and have no offspring, so all people today descend from more or less territorial forefathers.

At no point in history, starting before apes that humans eventually evolved from, this was the case -- they were all social animals and controlled territory, food, etc. only as a group with complex hierarchy within the group that had absolutely nothing to do with ownership. Those loners in caves never existed, and could not possibly exist because humans never had physical traits necessary for surviving and defending an individual without a group. A hunter living alone in the woods, as much "close to nature" it seems, is something much more recent, brought by the development of technology. Personal property is also a recent cultural development, and even now it usually acts as a proxy for social status and power.

Comment Re:Don't copy that floppy! (Score 2, Informative) 289

INB4 wikipedia is full of propaganda. Then correct them. Controversial articles are easy to spot.

If it's 19th to 21th century, it's someone regurgitating modern propaganda.

Dig deeper, make your own mind.

You can't "dig deeper" when all you have is a collection of propaganda workers and their parrots, all trying to out-shout each other while trying to keep the impression of legitimacy.

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