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Comment Re:How about (Score 1, Flamebait) 268

Why the government, because of least they will prosecute scam artists when they get caught cheating government welfare

Government *is* the scam artist, at least in the USA. A good charity gets over 80% of its revenue to the people who need the money/services (less than 20% overhead is the required expense ratio for a serious charity).

Government averages 27% going to those in need - all the rest is consumed by the parasites in "the system". It's the least able in the society who suffer due to their repugnant greed.

Comment Re:Why make science and engineering toys girly? (Score 1) 490

Because of the parents

Right. </thread> . Girls don't really care about gendered toys, but the parents are fully programmed.

Shopping habits might tend to affect selection as well. The way I shop for toys is to type something into Amazon, or browse one of the toy sites by functional category. Over the past decade I've been in Toys R Us once, maybe twice, to redeem a gift certificate.

The existence of these toys indicates that there are many parents who first click on 'Girls' Toys' as their entree into the shopping ecosystem. So, if STEM toys are going to get into the hands of the girls, they have to be on the results list, or in the aisles that are being shopped. It's a crappy system, but we don't get to insist that the world conforms to our ideals.

Comment Re:How does it deal with bias? (Score 1) 22

Q. How do you determine a biased news service? A. Be a discerning reader/viewer.


Q. How do you deal with a biased news service? A. You don't - it just encourages them. Redirect your views to an unbiased news service.

Oooh ... There's no such thing, at least while humans are still involved. But see also #1!

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 301

You can if you have enough money to buy the legal process.

The entire point of those "processes" is to privitize gains and subsidize losses (sorry. privitise and subsidise for this story). Yeah, the people who run those rackets will tell you otherwise - that's why reason and evidence are the arms of a successful .*man.

Comment Re:Stop charging for checked bag (Score 1) 273

"ban this, ban that" - as if you have so much more information than everybody else in the market what will work best. That takes gumption.

Sadly, there's zero chance any of this will ever happen because our government operates solely in the interests of big business, not what's best for the general public.

Well, yeah - that's the whole point - to protect them from competition. What do you think campaign donations are for?

And the answer, like it or not, is regulation.

Or, you know, let more airlines into the market and have them compete for customers. Oh, hells, no, that could never work. They should start regulating websites too, to improve the crappy CSS of sites like this.

Comment Re:You mean NEOs like Russia? (Score 5, Insightful) 272

You mean NEOs like Russia? You can't get any nearer to Earth than that.

+1 - humor is a great way to get at the tough issues. To put it more bluntly, though: "no, nuclear devices should be kept on hand to protect against politicians". The nuclear-armed nations have not gone to war with each other, and they won't because nuclear weapons (along with ICBM's) ensure that politicians can't simply send poor boys off to die for their lustful ambition on wealth and power without also impulsively risking their own safety.

This is unprecedented in the history of the nation state mechanism and has had major positive effects (if one considers empirical evidence rather than irrational fear). Sorry, it's not the pretty table at the UN that keeps bad leaders from misbehaving; until we can ban politicians, taking away their risk exposure would be the stupidest course of action conceivable. In the US only 5% of the population even trusts them to make sound decisions.

Maybe I should just change my .sig to "incentives matter" - the fear-mongers love to pretend otherwise, so this never stops coming up.

Comment Re:Excellent. Now how about High Fructose Corn Syr (Score 4, Informative) 851

It's not. it's what, 55% fructose, 45% sucrose -- whereas table sugar is a 50/50 split?

Where did you get the idea that you can take a food, completely ignore the body's metabolism, list its component molecules, and declare parity? It's a complete stretch, and so it's completely wrong. This is 1982-era reasoning.

The major problem is the rate-limiting factors of liver enzymes. The liver can handle a little bit of fructose at a time. If it gets overrun, it quickly manufactures triglycerides with the excess fructose, and those run right out and stick to the arterial walls (I know, triglycerides don't like to be anthropomorphized).

Sucrose metabolism is almost entirely rate-limited by the amount of available sucrase enzyme in the small intestine (the stomach acid affects 10% of the amount consumed). This provides a slow-sip of fructose to the liver, so it's much more manageable. This built-in protection is defeated by using HFCS or any unbound glucose/fructose syrup - the liver gets it nearly all at once. Keep that up and you'll be fat and get heart disease.

It's still possible to overload the liver with excess amounts of sucrose - you have more sucrase than liver enzymes, so anything more than a taste of sugar is still going to be a problem. This works out OK if you're going to be starving all winter, but in modern Western societies that starvation never happens, so the weight keeps piling on.

Even if you don't understand the biochemistry, the two basic rules still work well - don't buy stuff in the middle of the grocery store and don't eat anything your Grandmother wouldn't recognize as food from her childhood. Hrm, we might need to up that to "Great Grandmother" these days; if the ingredients label lists a chemical shitstorm straight out of Post-WWII "better living through chemistry - try the transfats!" insanity, don't eat it.

Comment Re:Who the fuck would use something like that? (Score 1) 206

As soon as I change my master password as prompted by the LastPass email, they have nothing.

As far as I can tell - "not so fast". You also have to tell LastPass to not allow you to automagically revert to your previous master password. That's hidden under 'Advanced Settings'.

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