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Comment Re:Government Dictionary (Score 1) 239

Nope. It's identity eminent domain

haha, only they might actually argue along those lines (no shame). They're also appropriating Facebook's computer resources to make these profiles operate - it's no different than seizing property or money on a small scale, and the 5th Amendment has something to say about that (n.b. I'm playing the game that the Constitution is still in effect, rather than used to paper over "trouble").

Federated systems like Tonika can provide authentication of friends - Facebook makes authentication nearly impossible.

Comment Re:The incredible shrinking nucleus (Score 1) 47

If the nucleus really had been 50km in diameter (original estimated maximum), and if it had hit Mars, it would've significantly increased Mars' atmosphere with one blow.

Some folks have recommended nabbing some passing asteroids and detonating them in the Martian atmosphere, just to create more atmosphere as they burn up. I still don't know how they deal with the lack of gravity, though.

Comment Re:Much as I despise trolls (Score 1) 489

Then you're not exactly a rational being; you're just a barbarian.


Hopefully you get thrown in jail/fined, and hopefully you learn your lesson.

And then it goes off the rails, calling for vengeance.

Statists are just one ladder rung up from barbarians, painting a thin veneer of excuses over group-backed violence. Take the next few steps and learn about peace-based alternatives! It's the means, not the ends, that determine whether an act is just - this can be easily proven with reason.

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." - MK Gandhi

Comment Re: I don't follow (Score 4, Informative) 370

It's general knowledge in typography that Helvetica is the most legible typeface. Low-resolution devices present challenges that keep that from being true, so adaptations had to be made.

Of course, pretty soon if you want security updates you'll have to accept Helvetica, even on your low-resolution device. But you should stop being such a loser with a three-year-old computer and give Apple some more money.

Maybe they'll have "Mac Mode" ready for the iPhone by then.

Comment Re:Hope! (Score 4, Interesting) 522

And...that is where binary logging should stay, until it can be eliminated entirely.

I don't even know why I'd care if systemd uses a binary representation internally, as long as it can give me human-readable logs with only text tools.

Only showing binary logs with systemd tools is a misfeature of the type "exposing the implementation". Userland requires a UI, and it's bad UI, and frankly bad Unix.

Now then, I hear you can somehow configure systemd to echo a copy of its logs to rsyslog. But, and maybe I'm just a fool with poor GoogleFu, but I tried for a couple hours to get this working and only found company for misery on the mailing lists.

If any systemd fans can point us to a quick-n-easy HOWTO on getting text [r]syslog working under systemd, then by all means shut a few of us up. Tell us how there's plenty of documentation too, we'll all hang our heads and wander away.

Comment Re:also applies to flash and acrobat (Score 4, Interesting) 111

That's why we all have flashblock, right?

This is actually a problem. I've been running Flashblock, then NoScript, for probably 8 if not 10 years. The problem was well-known then, and Google and Netscape (and Safari?) did something about it a year or two ago.

I miss the days when browser vendors weren't afraid to rapidly innovate and take bold, important steps. For all that time, the Internet was much, much less safe for their cowardice.

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