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Comment Re:This is fucking stupid. (Score 1) 279

More people have "fragile emotional states" these days because they've spent their lives being coddled and/or taught to respond to adversity by becoming a victim. When I was growing up bullies didn't say things on a website, they found you, beat your ass, then bragged about it to the whole school. Fortunately for me, my parents taught me that I was worth more than being some douches punching bag, and the important lesson that the only person who could control how I reacted to other people was me - besides, society isn't going to change because I'm having a hard time. Was it bad? Worse than most of the "whine about it on YouTube" generation could possibly imagine. Did I consider killing myself to end it all? Actually tried and failed a couple times to be honest.

But somehow I survived. Maybe its because I'm made of better stuff than other people, but that sounds. I ike self-aggrandizing bullshit to me. Rather, I believe it's because I realized that I was only a victim of my own self-loathing, and upon that realization learned how to have the confidence to stand up for myself in the face of, for lack of a better term, typical human dickishness.

Trolls (in the traditional sense), are easy enough to avoid - refuse to engage them and they'll eventually get bored and go bother someone else.

Comment Re:Human In The Loop Abort (Score 1) 91

This is a key point. No military in the world is going to want a weapon system that they have zero control over.

Militaries? No.

Powerful despots who want armies who not only won't, but literally can't disobey orders? No matter how incomprehensibly immoral? Oh, very much yes.

Comment Re:Lets hope they don't try to automate it (Score 1) 279

Personally I'm curious how it would function on a site like foxnews or huffpo - in the case of the latter, would it flag the one person posting pro-2nd Amendment comments, or would it flag everyone else when they pile one the aforementioned poster with mountains of venomous hatred?

Comment Re:This is fucking stupid. (Score 1) 279

It is stupid to me because it does not solve a problem. Detecting trolls is certainly not a problem, dealing with them is. They need to work on algorithm for that.

How about an algorithm for developing thicker skin?

Internet trolls only have the power you give them; many sites have an "ignore this douchebag" button anyway, so it's really a moot point.

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