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Comment Re:TFA is bullshit (Score 1) 381

Django ORM (not the best ORM by their own say but simple and has largely worked for 90%+ of my needs) let you define your "tables" as an object with some field types and let you create your tables in SQL.

Schema migration solutions does exist however it's a HARD solution, you'd better write SQL scripts when you're there. (having separate sql structure and code is a good thing imo and the reason why n the long term / larger projects with a life of its own an "orm" like sqlalchemy is better than a simple ActiveRecord-like ORM).

Anyway, the real hard problems for a OODB or ORM are :
- inheritance (multiple, change of father object & other subtle semantics)
- schema (change your object definition, how does that reflect your _current data_ ?
- polymorphism (query base table A, shall returned objects be of derived type of not ?)

I haven't seen a uniform definition of those in programmig languages. How do you tie this to a DB (which should be multi language I hope ..)

But in the end, having tables for data with stable schema linked to it + OO code in your language is the simplest way, to each its own semantics.

Comment Re:So what toxic materials are in it (Score 1) 295

totally approve (no mod points, but plz mod parent up). the point of this media is to be secondary to the main medie (ie print) that is to be disposed once read. What next ? Movies sold with their own throwable screen ?

This is ecological nonsense. Economically, I'm not sure about the cost of those things once the novelty wears off. Let's hope it's only one shot. (remember those Charlie Chaplin IBM ads with blipping and blinking leds in the 80s? Those were the rage.

Yes, however, the hacking opportunity is appealing.

Comment Re:The shoot your eyes out!! (Score 1) 384

Of course not. (Office) People have rather long working days, typically longer than US/UK.

However, 35h/w is average and that is compensated by unheard of weeks of vacation per year. Which I do enjoy :) This leads to less work average, but is compensated by the fact that french workers have one of the best productivity in the world. (too lazy to find the needed citation) What was the topic ?

Comment My proposals (Score 1) 252

* Remove save and open. They belong to the past. Manage memory-disk transfers as needed, not manually ! (as a first step auto save +save on close)

* file menu and file dialog belong to the file manager. Just provide a shortcut to it if needed. (like open this document folder in explorer)

* Get rid of "applications" and implement functionalities as file / folder views of the file manager (view as ..) use file metadata. (or make apps act like simple apps & use embedding of - any - apps) : integrate.

* TABbed views belong to the window manager !

here, I'm calm now.

Comment Re:Hams (Score 1) 461

As seen in 10 years :

Jesus. Here come one hundred thousand posts how awesome linux is, and how Internet on windows servers sucks, etc.

My father was a linuxian. Yes, linux is awesome. In their nutty little useful-once-in-a-lifetime, semi-Luddite way. We love you, linuxians. We're glad you're out there. But please, seriously, shut the fuck up. On the Internet. Feel free to blather on your Slashdot.

(alt. : linux,windows = bsd,linux)

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