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Comment Re:How About... (Score -1) 661

You also think it's something Extremely Controversial?

Sadly, yes it is.

Because people are fucking stupid.

Seriously--there are certain people who will go apeshit if you try to tell them men and women are different, that intelligent is inherited, or that different races of people have different characteristics.

Comment You are a dumb ass (Score -1) 661

Must be a conservative state, because this peculiar strain of stupidity is generally right-wing in nature.

Look in the mirror: the dumb ass is you.

'Global warming' nee 'Climate change' nee 'Climate disruption' is A FUCKING SCAM. And people like you--useful idiot that you are--are too stupid to see through it.

I fully agree that man's activities are having an effect on the environment. And just how in the fucking world do you propose to stop it? Just when is the world going to completely stop burning oil? When are we going to stop burning coal and natural gas? When will cows stop farting, and will you give up your carbonated soft drinks in the name of "saving the environment", fool? Of course not. But you'll God damned surely fork over all your money to the government and chastise everyone else for not jumping on the bandwagon. You stupid fucking imbecile.

Grow a brain.

Comment Re:More problems. (Score -1) 172

There's tons of shit you can't legally do a car (both modification and maintenance) without certification depending on where you're from. The simplest and most routine example would be a smog check. In California you need an official smog check to register your vehicle. Repairs can only be performed by specially (and separately) licensed shops. Plenty of other states have similar regulations.

Not everyone lives in a communist shithole like California, simpleton.

Taking your hazardous material to a disposal place and paying a fee? Let's be honest - no one fucking does that. Not for cooking oil, not for batteries, not for anything.

Let's be honest: you're a dumb ass who doesn't have the faintest clue. Used oil and other automotive chemicals are easily disposed of at any auto parts store.

A lift would be the most obvious, then there's the equipment to properly read and reset the proprietary computers in the car which refuse to adhere to an industry standard for diagnostic codes

Ever heard of ODB-2, dumb ass? That's one of those "industry standards" you are completely ignorant of.

if you ever need to take the engine out you'll need a hoist

Only if you're a dumb ass.

then there's the equipment needed to properly flush and fill various fluid lines, and I doubt you're installing tires and balancing your wheels by hand, you'll need a cheap ($$ - $$$) but unique tool just to be able to replace other parts - a compressor for work on shocks/struts, various long-head wrenches or security drivers, etc. That's ignoring any body or electrical work.

Dumb ass.

You can change your own oil and belts, but you're not the family mechanic anymore than you're the family lawyer, family doctor, etc. It's not affordable, not practical, and unless you're an ACTUAL mechanic, some of what the OP claimed to do (which is EVERYTHING) is not legal.

Fuck you and fuck your laws, you pathetic worm. If you aren't the family mechanic, then what the good are you, shit for brains? Working on a car isn't rocket science, dumb ass. And again, not all of us live in socialist shitholes like you do. Some of us live in places where men actually have the brains to turn their own fucking wrenches and maintain their own fucking belongings--which they paid for with cash. Imagine that, if you can successfully do so without your head exploding....dipshit.

Comment Re:How do we address the weaknesses of Open Source (Score -1) 129

Just trying to help. I presume you posted "the message" with the intention to be taken serious, else you wouldn't act so offended by jez9999 not taking you serious. I'm merely pointing out that your mode of communication is to blame for you not being taken serious. You really make yourself sound like a demoscene teenager trying to bluff yourself into a position of authority. People on this site are hidden behind the relative anonymity of their nicknames, so appeals to own authority don't work here. Even if you're an authority on a subject, you still have to explain the rationale of your arguments in terms that the plebs on this site will understand, else you're setting yourself up for ridicule.

Get a clue, asshole. Nobody is here to impress you. Nobody gives a flying a fuck whether you think someone is "credible" or not. If you don't understand the truth of the other poster's comments, then that marks you as a dumb ass. Either learn how to read and understand, or continue being a dumb ass. It's your choice.

Comment Delusions of knowledge != knowledge (Score -1) 1037

The Internet is also turning atheists into religious people. Those who are of the highest order of intelligence realize that religion is not just useful, but a necessary part of humanity. This is a realization that will gradually take ahold of most people, in time. Those who fail to understand the truth will inevitably be destroyed by their own arrogance and stupidity.

As a genius I think it's cute (and sad) to see all these masses of people not only becoming atheist, but laughably also patting themselves on the back loudly and publicly for being so "smart." If only they knew what I knew. If only they weren't so clueless.

In 7th grade in the Bible Belt, I was the sole atheist surrounded by Southern Baptist kids. Many a lunch hour was spent in intense argument with these fools, patiently explaining that no I don't know where the universe comes from, but there is evidence we can look at to figure it out. I told them heaven did not exist and hell didn't either. I was clueless.

As we grew older, many of these people began to question their own beliefs. It wasn't because of me, although I certainly played a small role. We are all caught up in the tides of humanity...and I've always been the type of guy who is ahead of everyone else. Many of these devoutly Christian kids grew up to be proud atheists. I grew up to be religious, after many years of thought, and gradually coming to an understanding of the divine truth that underlies all religion.

To the doubters, here's a free clue: God = the Universe. The Universe = God. Everything is a metaphor. Re-read the Bible with that in mind, and prepare for your mind to be completely blown.

Humans have been on this earth for over a million years, and yet we still give birth to fools who grow up to believe they are the smartest people in the history of ever, and who think they know it all, despite having gathered little real knowledge in their tiny, short lives. Only a total fool would discard a work like the Bible as worthless, when the truths contained therein are of profound importance to humanity.

It's not like I'm the first guy to ever reach this high level of understanding. It has happened over, and over, and over again through countless eons of history.

Religion and morality are not useless. In fact, humanity cannot survive without them. Even when you take religion away, people will always find something to worship in its absence; whether it be government, or science, or themselves. And in every case they will destroy themselves by doing so. This has been proven time and time again over the course of millenia.

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." -- Ecclesiastes 1:9

Comment Re:Wait... wha? (Score -1) 1482

The state gives preferential treatment to married couples when it comes to taxes, child visitation, property inheritance, there are VERY few places that the government doesn't give some sort of preferential treatment to couples

This is the root of the problem. The whole "gay marriage" thing would be a complete non issue, if it weren't for the government being so heavily involved in everyone's lives. Do you think anyone would really give a flying rat's ass about gays getting married, if it didn't mean that heterosexuals would be forced at gunpoint to subsidize their marriage, through giving tax breaks etc?

I for one am not a bigot; I'm a guy who understands the big picture, and knows that homosexuality as a whole is a symptom of larger problems in our society. All major religions have prohibitions against homos, and there is a reason for that, even if I recognize that banning gays and/or treating them like second class citizens is not a good or moral solution. I have no problem with someone being gay and living their own lives how they please. No other moral, freedom-loving person should either. What I do absolutely despise--along with a huge percentage of Americans--is the idea of being forced at gunpoint to pay for someone else's corrupted lifestyle.

Take government out of marriage, along with a billion other things they've got their filthy paws in, and a lot of these "big controversional problems" in America suddenly disappear.

Comment Re:Time to start disobeying these assholes (Score -1) 353

you do NOT have a "GOD GIVEN" right to operate heavy machinery... you have the privilege based on demonstrating proficiency.

No, you fucking dipshit, just no. Turn in your citizenship card this instant and report to U.S. History 101 for reeducation.

I have the GOD GIVEN MOTHER FUCKING RIGHT to drive, or to car pool, or to do WHATEVER THE FUCK IT TAKES to feed my family.


The Supreme Court and various lower courts, as corrupted as they are, have ruled on this time and time again. Google mother fucker, do you use it?

That one man was enough for me to hate the entire lot of you "sovereign Citizens".

That's because you're the exact type of fucking retard who takes the actions of one obscure asshole, projects it on to an entire group of people, then uses that as an excuse not to think.

You are a good little slave. Kneel down and kiss the had of your master...pussy!

Comment Time to start disobeying these assholes (Score 0) 353

I have a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to rideshare, or to drive a car, or whatever else it takes to feed my family. I'm a free and sovereign citizen who rejects the laughable notion that a bunch of fucking bureaucrats in some office somewhere can order me around and tell me how to live my life. These fucking imbeciles can even figure out how to run their own lives properly, and they want to try and tell me how I should live mine. Fuck that shit. If and when Americans grow some balls, they will join me in disobeying these disgusting pieces of shit and their useless rules and regulations.

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