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Comment Re:Somebody post a SWIFT example PLEASE! (Score 2) 636

Oh come on. It is pretty obvious that you can add named parameters to a C-like syntax without having this weird square bracket stuff:

      someObject->setColor(red:0.4, green:0.3, blue:1.0, alpha:0.5);

The square brackets are there because the original Objective-C compilier was very primitive. It basically looked for the square brackets, did some manipulation of the text, and passed everything to the C compiler. Pretty much it turned this:

    [someObject method:x]

into this:

    callMethod(someObject, "method", x)

Yes they were copied from smalltalk, but in smalltalk all functions used the same syntax. In this case the unnecessary differences in syntax were to make this compiler simple to implement.

Comment Re:NextStep (Score 1) 611

You are right that NeXTStep's DPS added PostScript commands to create windows. Still not as nice as NeWS as it did not use paths to describe the windows, they were rectangles only. Also NeXTStep itself strongly discouraged using these functions, at that level DPS was pretty much output-only and only into a subset of the windows.

I think there was an attempt at DPS on Windows which, like XDPS, did not supply any way to create or manipulate windows. I kind of doubt there are any other implementations.

Comment Re:NextStep (Score 1) 611

The main advantage of NeWS is that it reused the PostScript path & transforms for defining the windows themselves.

DPS forced you to use a different api to the server (ie X) to make the windows, and some really ugly glue to make the agree on which window was which. I don't think it did anything with events at all so you could not run any widgets on the server.

Comment Re:just because (Score 2) 143

You seem to have not italicized the important portion, even though you cut and pasted it into your post! Here I will do it for you:

If you commercially distribute binaries not accompanied with source code, the GPL says you must provide a written offer to distribute the source code later. When users non-commercially redistribute the binaries they received from you, they must pass along a copy of this written offer. This means that people who did not get the binaries directly from you can still receive copies of the source code, along with the written offer.

I think it is your turn to read the italicized portion until it sinks in.

Comment Stupid question (Score 1) 483

Why not use the gas we euthanize dogs and cats with?

PS: I'm probably against the death penalty but it just seems an easy method to remove this objection to it, and use something that is not going to be hard to supply. And I'm sure some death-penalty supporters are also much more concerned with cat and dogs suffering so this is probably pretty humane.

Comment Re:I've come around to socialism (Score 2) 208

Because it would allow competion, stupid.

Just like your fantasy that somehow the it is ok for every competitor to add a new wire running to every house in the city, and that somehow the cost to them of doing this is zero.

Except it would work. The startup would only have to connect to the shared end of the fiber.

Comment Re:The FCC has no right to dictate terms (Score 2) 208

Yay, finally somebody responding intelligently to this John Galt idiot.

The idea that it is the inability to add new wires, and only due to regulations and not the cost, is what is stopping competion is so obviously blindingly wrong. He is just trying desperately to keep up his fantasy that the invisible hand always works with a ridiculous plea that somehow it is the eeeeevil gvmnt!!!!

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