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Comment Re:Stross Has It Wrong (Score 1) 405

What I interpret him to mean is that he wants to do the same as Amazon, (a) charge me the same price for a file I download as if I bought a hardcover book, and (b) still wrap it in highly restrictive DRM so that having bought it, I don't own it, and my ability to read is at the mercy of whatever DRM configuration they dream up and only as long as they continue to support it.

Nice hypothesis. As it happens, Mr. Stross' most recent books have been published by Tor -- which does not do DRM.

Facts. Annoying things.

Comment Re:Kudzu for Energy (Score 2) 290

Never mind energy [1] -- goats love it. They can actually snarf it down faster than it grows (which is a trick, let me tell you, in the Gulf States.)

Kudzu-fed goat milk cheese is perfectly good stuff, or you can just let them feed their kids. Which not long afterward become cabritos. Nom!

[1] Long-term sustainability issue here unless you return the non-fuel sludge to the area to restore minerals. Not so much of a problem with goats excreting all over place.

Comment Re:In addition to rolling out... (Score 1) 129

There's a reason that we who are serviced by Cox have established the unofficial motto, "Cox sucks."

Pay more here for megabit speeds (no, that's not as in "50 megabit," that's as in "one, on a good day) at prices higher than Google charges for gigabit. And for the "it's all about density" set: that's central Phoenix, which sure has more density than Kansas City.

The speeds keep dropping, and they use "we need to invest in more capacity" as an excuse. The charges go up, but the speeds go down anyway.

The only thing Cox has going for it is that it's not CenturyLink -- which advertises that they'll keep charges from rising, but doesn't tell you that it's because they make the older services stop working so that you have to sign up for the new service at higher prices (plus buy new hardware) even though the speeds are no faster.

Comment Re:You bet they are "quietly optimistic".. (Score 1) 80

Yah, I can only imagine this will be useful in some very very specific situations.

You mean, like when a fire is crowning? Crown fires are fast and account for most (almost all?) of the firefighter fatalities (including the recent one at Yarnell where someone I used to work with died.) Interrupt that process, even briefly, and you may save some firefighters on the ground.

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