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Comment Re:Bash window (Score 1) 163

I can't figure out any way to select, copy and paste text in a bash window. Quite a limitation for a shell. which you mean "quite a limitation for a terminal emulator window"; that's not the shell doing that, any more than it's doing select, copy, and paste in xterm or gnome-terminal or rxvt or Konsole or Terminal or....

And, yes, if it's using the same terminal emulator code that a cmd.exe window does, select/copy/paste is a pain, especially to those used to either the "middle button pastes the current selection" model or the Shift+(Control-C,Control-X,Control-V) model, as are used in many UN*X terminal emulators (or the Mac Command+(C,X,V) model in Terminal).

Comment Re:He is right though (Score 1) 150

The problem with ARM goes way beyond CPU compatibility, which is the point made by Linus

And by me in the last paragraph of the posting to which you responded.

There are the CPU issues, such as "what version of VFP does the processor have, if any?" and "does the processor have Advanced SIMD?". The NDK has an API that can be used to get the answer to those questions (and to similar questions for x86 and MIPS), and there are the "rest of the platform" issues. The former may affect applications, but the latter don't, so the VM isn't needed to handle the latter, nor are fat binaries.

Apple gets away with multi-platform (fat) binaries simply because their ecosystem is way more constrained.

Again, the "rest of the platform" issues aren't relevant here, other than perhaps screen size (iPhone vs. iPad). I'm not sure what processors Apple's used have in the way of floating-point or SIMD support, so I'm not sure what flavors of "fat" are needed other than "ARMv6 vs. ARMv7 vs. ARMv8-A 64-bit".

Comment Re:Well... he has a point on all fronts. (Score 1) 150

It wouldn't surprise me to find out any lack of backwards compatibility in the ARM arena is due to Google's desire to cram the latest spyware down our throats:

It would surprise me a lot, because Google doesn't design the SoCs that go into Android machines other than maybe those with "Nexus" or "Pixel" in the name, so they're not the ones responsible for the lack of backwards compatibility between Zombo's ZomboFone F1 and their ZomboFone F2.

Comment Re:He is right though (Score 2) 150

Android suffers this very issue, where you end up needing a bytecode VM (Dalvik) just to ensure compatibility across devices.

There's no need for a VM to isolate differences between 32-bit ARM CPUs; if you want to support both 32-bit and 64-bit ARM with the same binary, or support ARM and x86 with the same binary, a bytecode interpreter/JIT is one way to do that, but you don't need it to support two machines using the same CPU or using compatible CPUs, and it's not the only way to handle it (you could do fat binaries, as Apple does in iOS, for example).

The issue in question is not with the ARM CPU cores, it's with the stuff around it in the SoC, and the OS (kernel, graphics layer) deal with that - applications don't have to.

Comment Re:Well... he has a point on all fronts. (Score 5, Insightful) 150

Well... he has a point on all fronts.

1) x86 is so backward compatible it's... grand. Except for legacy bugs to push forward

2) ARM is, or rather, was, not afraid to put efficiency above complete and total backward compatibility

Except what he was really talking about was x86-based "IBM-compatible personal computers", which have, in at least some layers other than the instruction set, a lot of similarity, vs. ARM-based {smartphones, tablets, embedded systems, etc.}, where everything other than the CPU may be significantly different from system to system.

That has nothing to do with the instruction sets, it has to do with the fact that x86 got its big boost from the IBM PC and the clones of it, which were all pretty similar machines so that MS-DOS and its successors would Just Work on them, while ARM got its big boost from phones/tablets/embedded boxes, where the vendor supplied some or all of the OS, and they didn't care much about having to tweak the OS for the next machine.

Comment Re:but - (Score 4, Informative) 220

"there is no island of trash in the pacific"

Yes, as the article you cite says, it's mostly, well, smaller broken-down micro plastics that can be eaten by fish and enter the food chain, not large items.

So it's not as if there's nothing wrong with that part of the Pacific, it's that what's wrong is not a just floating obvious garbage dump.

Comment Re:The gauntlet has been thrown (Score 2) 79

Yikes! I wonder if that's a line-of-sight thing or if you could just drop every diabetic in a 2km range

Only if every diabetic within range of your hacking device is using an insulin pump that your device can hack. Not all diabetics are on insulin, not all diabetics on insulin use insulin pumps, and not all diabetics using insulin pumps are all using the same model with similarly-hackable firmware.

Comment That's not exactly what Nokia said (Score 4, Insightful) 75

TFA doesn't claim Nokia said anything about Google Fiber. All it claims is that the number Nokia's talking about is 1 Tb/s, and that "For comparison on the consumer side, Alphabet's Google Fiber embryonic US fiber-to-the-premises service is offering 1Gbps connections.", so the comparison is being done by ZDNet, not Nokia.

They also say "on the consumer side", so it's somewhat like Caterpillar saying some new haul truck can handle 500 tons and the article reporting on it saying "For comparison, on the consumer side, a Ford F-150 can handle 1 1/2 tons" - it's not as if somebody's going to use one of those big trucks to do residential construction, it's just there to give a sense of scale.

Comment Re:But climate change is a myth!!! YODA GREASE (Score 2) 206

The second law of thermodynamics will not be wished away any time soon. Human activity requires energy. Used energy becomes heat. Human use of energy sources currently outstrips the rate that energy is sequestered in the earth's crust.

That's not the main source of increasing global temperatures. Particular means of generating energy release greenhouse gases, and with greater amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect causes increased temperatures.

Comment Re:What a maroon (Score 1) 170

What, he didn't think he could and would be tracked down?

What, he didn't think the fucking CFO of Tesla wouldn't see an email from "" and open it only to see whether it's advertising 1) a penis enlargement treatment, 2) a weight loss treatment, 3) an exciting business proposal, etc. and then forward it to Musk with the heading "LOL who is this moron?"

OK, "from a Yahoo email address similar to one Musk has used in the past", but I'd still expect the CEO to be sending questions such as that from a address; was the Yahoo address used to send more public mails, so that his e-mail address inside Tesla wouldn't be used publicly?

Comment Re:What a maroon (Score 2) 170

What, he didn't think he could and would be tracked down?

What, he didn't think the fucking CFO of Tesla wouldn't see an email from "" and open it only to see whether it's advertising 1) a penis enlargement treatment, 2) a weight loss treatment, 3) an exciting business proposal, etc. and then forward it to Musk with the heading "LOL who is this moron?"

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