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Comment If I was the creator it should be easy to prove (Score 5, Insightful) 94

I'd show them the series of version control commit messages I made as I created the code. There would be a clear and obvious, mostly-logical progression of code-creation, failed experiments, commented-out snippets taken from stack overflow posts that can be tied to my name, and tons of other evidence incrementally added over the course of many days or weeks as the code is slowly built. This record would very difficult to fake convincingly. Even if I was a weirdo who didn't use version control, I'd still make occasional backup copies of the whole code directory every few days, or something similar, and this record would exist. Nobody sits down to write something like bitcoin in one go without backing things up along the way, it's just too complex a codebase for that to be reasonable.

Comment Or it's just sugar. (Score 1) 286

There's added sugar in everything. Added sugard in hamburger buns. Added sugar in your friggin' breakfast sausage. So much added sugar everywhere. There's almost nothing you can buy that hasn't been pumped full of extra calories.

But no, it must be microplastics, yeah, that's the ticket.

Comment Short sighted (Score 1, Interesting) 93

"Musk also reveals he's been thinking about electric cars since high school, as "the way cars should be, if you could just solve range..."

Here's an idea. If long-range public transportation, such as high speed rail, were convenient and ubiquitous then shorter-range electric vehicles for everyday in-city use would instantly feel a lot more viable. He's not a visionary, he's a tunnel-visionary.

Comment subpar storytelling (Score 1) 117

This is what's killing EVERYTHING. I care a million times more about a good story than impressive visual effects. A good story should stick with you ling after you leave the theater and make you think. Every superhero movie I've seen in the last couple of years was the opposite of that. No stakes and instantly forgettable within minutes of leaving the theater, no effort whatsoever except in the CGI department. The worst part is the ACTUAL comic books often have powerful, engaging stories, so it's clearly possible to do with superheroes. The subpar drivel is a choice being made, and it's killing the whole genre. I don't even watch them anymore until they're free on some service I already subscribe to. I don't have a spare dime to pay for a movie ticket that I'm not 100% sure isn't going to be garbage, and recently they all are exactly that.

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