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Comment Re:Easy solution (Score 1) 348

Global warming grants specifically state in the terms that the successful grant recipient will show global warming. So they pay for a pre-conclusion. Its all fraud and its all bogus. But there is simply so much money to be made promoting this AGW myth that no one will be allowed to disagree.

Comment Re:Easy solution (Score 1) 348

Record breaking cold with snow this summer right now in the U.S, and you think its hot. I challenge you to walk through 10 miles of summer snowfall barefoot and when you get to the end and tell me that its hotter than its ever been before I will believe it.

Comment Re:Easy solution (Score 0) 348

Yes, its already snowing in the U.S. and we have record breaking cold just like last year and its still summer. But remember, the globe is "hotter than its ever been before". I think the only reason you are brainwashed is because you do not think you can be.

Comment Re:Easy solution (Score 1) 348

But but . . . but Americans think the government is their mommy and daddy. And mommy and daddy buy them free candy so what you said about government can't possibly be true. Every thing the government does over here to a liberal is magic. Free education (now more expensive and unaffordable here than anywhere else), free healthcare (see free education), free food ( most obese poor people on the planet), free housing (ghetto), free pot to the poor (what could go wrong there?).

Its fun to pretend.

Comment Re:Easy solution (Score 1) 348

Virtually all of the 'ground breaking' work in physics such as the discovery of the Higgs boson has led to absolutely nothing of practical real world value and won't lead to anything either. Physicists spend years, sometimes decades chasing dark matter (fairy dust), get an award for it and retire. I don't know why they can't be called upon to do something practical like find an inexpensive method to produce aero-gel. That would get rid of a tremendous amount of poverty, solve most of our energy problems and revolutionize the world. But no, its just too fun going to seminars and debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

Comment Re:Easy solution (Score 1) 348

Goldwater was a nitwit. His advice meant nothing, he failed at nearly everything he did in public and the religious folks are the only ones in America who kept the Soviet Union from sticking a communist bayonet up his butt.

Comment Re:Easy solution (Score 1) 348

And Obama, was he able to work out his absent-daddy issues by running up a $17,000,000,000,000 debt? If so I hope its fixed cause we are going to be blown away by it since it will be over $20,000,000,000,000 by the time he leaves office. Quick, someone give him another Nobel Prize so he can bomb a village. Anything, just keep him from blowing another $2,000,000,000,000.

Comment Re:Easy solution (Score 1) 348

It ain't Repubs that are trying to ban all nuclear power and prevent new reactors from being built. That award goes to the anti-science liberals. Something about carbon free power that Democrats just can't stand, or the fact that its so cheap, or the fact that it can desalinate seawater by the tons per minute (what was that about a severe drought in California)?

Basic questions simply may not be asked in a university setting where most research is done in America. There might be a finding that liberals don't like and we can't have that. No, it is liberals who don't like science or its sometimes very UN-PC conclusions.

Comment Re:Hattie's Meta Analysis says........ (Score 1) 421

I was not a chemistry major and yet I can do a tremendous amount of chemistry for someone who didn't have more than 6 hours of general chemistry. Its more like fun facts for free but there is no one out there that will pay me to know chemistry. If I needed more of it I could train myself. But since an enormous amount of time is spent studying things that no one will pay you to know, the above should require some reflection. Why do we teach 12 years of something that they will never use? Who pays you to know the poetry of William Butler Yeats? Almost no one will pay you to know Astrophysics, astronomy, calculus, philosophy, etc. But you sure do pay through the nose to learn this almost useless info at any place you learn it. Why couldn't high school students graduate knowing mechanics, construction, welding, HVAC, electronics, etc. ? Why do they graduate after 12 years knowing nothing that anyone will pay them to know?

Comment No summer vacation = No time for major maintenance (Score 1) 421

Ohhh you don't really believe any of them thought that far ahead do you??? This is the PUBLICK SKOOLS we're talkin here! They think oompa loompas handle all the externalities including the enormous increase in utility bills for herding them into enormous buildings in the hottest time of the year! As for unruly or apathetic students, the schools only know they get the same amount of tax money for a Rhodes scholar at they do an Adam Lanza. So the likelihood of them getting rid of the army of class disruptors that don't want to be there and aren't going to learn anything anyway is absolutely 0.

Comment Re:Schools need to improve first (Score 1) 421

Regimented learning- listening to endless lectures, testing, more lectures, etc. no matter how long its done, does not allow for creativity. The goal of all teaching should be to produce self-educating people that don't need to be told what to do all the time. That is why some of the richest people on earth dropped out of the decades long education behemoth and started inventing things, starting businesses, etc. All of the homeschoolers in my college info sys class could teach the class if they wanted to.

Comment (Poor) kids get dumber during holidays (Score 1) 421

Since most poor kids parents have little or no education anyway, what would they teach them if they had the time? I know a lot of poor kids whose parents never worked at all. And I know quite a few who find plenty of money for drugs, tattoos, piercings, and jewelry, somehow. Wonder if there is a connection?

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