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Comment Re:still ? (Score 1) 298

Well, the advent of Medicine specifically targetting genetic disorders and human empathy go a long way into fighting the systemic success of certain people in our society that would of otherwise been dead before they had a chance to reproduce.

We as a species have decided that supporting the weak and helpless is important even though it leads to some generically inferrior stock carrying on their 'bad/junk' genes. That doesn't mean everyone follows that philosophy clearly.

Comment Connection (Score 1) 141

"Shad Moss, has more followers than the entire top one thousand information security professionals "

So this translates into value how? If you assume that a TV show is more popular than security researchers then you're absolutely correct. In terms of "does this make our future technology users more safe?" then I'd say there's no clear connection. The more apt question, are the people who watch this show in industries where ciber security makes a difference? I suppose if it prevents a little bit of fraud for the ignorant then great, but I've found that the greatest security issues we've ever had has always been between the ears (pros and laymen alike).

Comment Re:Work in the right direction (Score 1) 39

Yeah, relations capture the net of the geographic region, but I find the individual node's contain better hierarical town/region/state/country layering which was more correct (at least in Canada where my test data was running against). Politically based relations are great when they exist, but far too often you'd have a relation representing X but no explicit connection besides the fact that the node was geographically found in the region. You may have a relation, but you often don't have relations that point to containing relations which is part of what my specific use case requires. If it isn't done upstream, it means more work for people like me to piece together a hierarical relation based on political or simple associative connections. Eg. The Bronx is in New York, but there's no explicit link in the data to describe that association.

Comment Work in the right direction (Score 4, Informative) 39

For a project I'm working on, I started to play around with the OpenStreetMap data as a source for locations (from a guy who's never used GIS info systems), so I think I'd be a good insight into getting started with using this great resource.

- I develop in Java mostly, but I have a generally well rounded skill set.

Firstly, I had to make the jump to Postgress and PostGIS, which are annoying to setup if you're not familiar with them. I had a MySQL instance running, but for the life of me, I couldn't get osmosis to import before getting the setup just right, which unfortunately wasnt' as simple and stright forward as I'd have liked to see in any docs. So after finally banging PostGIS over the head enough to accept the import, I was hit with a huge knowledge gap on how to actually access spatial and hstore based data. Admittedly, once you get the handle of them, the SQL access the data is quite expressive and powerful.

For DB imports, I used Osmosis for data import. I couldn't find any stand-alone Java based libaries for actually using the DB data which would help a lot (maybe I'll end up writing an open source one if it doesn't already exist). So, I basically dropped down to writing PostGIS based SQL queries, which is really quite expressive and well structured when the data is good (depends on the world region, mostly good for North America from what I found so far).

Secondly, there was the OpenStreetMap data itself. As someone who primarily wants to work on geographic barriers and political boundaries, there's a big disconnect between the polygons of the system and the political ones. Generally, there's always a node (think of a pin on a map) to represent a proper place name (New york city for instance) and a polygon that encompass what New York's political boundaries are, but quite often there won't be explicit ties between the two, so you're left with bridging the two yourself constructing queries for where nodes are within city / state / country / etc.. Anyways, thats as far as I've gotten so far, so good luck!

Some links that helped me: (Make sure to read carefully, becase its rather unforgiving and terse about bad environment setups)

Comment Re:Maybe because the movies were not that good? (Score 1, Interesting) 360

The harry potter kids are still making in-roads. The twilight guy made his break from Harry potter ironically. Who knows what's coming for the rest. Shay la bouf or whatever was a tool before transformers and he was a tool afterwards. Although well known before Titanic, Leonardo certainly became a household name from the movie. Kate Winslet is a good actress, but nobody would've known her if it wasn't for the movie. Practically the entire cast of Saving Private Ryan became significantly more marketable after the movie. Go back and watch all the stars who really broke out from it.. amazing.

If nothing else can be said about it, a AAA movie will get you screen exposure. What you turn that into has a large part on your abilities, the parts you take, and who you know (and a ton of luck).

Comment Use cases (Score 1) 50

Well I personally have no use cases for something like this, but thinking about the economic low end I see this as a win. There are a lot more HDMI capable TV's than there are PC's, so if they can create a good input device / internet solution, I'd consider this a win. The problem is that inputs will most likely be non-ideal and internet's expensive (unless you're 'sharing' a neighbors connection). I wish em' luck finding new ways of getting computing resources into the hands of everyone though.

Comment Re:I just went to BestBuy... (Score 1) 198

*shudder* the worst thing you could ever do is buy compters hardware at a retail chain. Their margins are astronomical compared to the small very lean computer resailers that have been doing good business for many years. The only time I look at retail for computers is during boxing day / black friday, and even then its unlikely to convert a sale unless its been very discounted (and at least comparable to other shops prices).

Comment Re:N4N? (Score 4, Insightful) 365

Because surprisingly enough, most of the people on this site work, and of those workers, many work in technology. Furthermore, many work in America with jobs held by companies that are required to abide by laws. Once an important / relevant law causes a cascade of business changes (think the whole API copyright fight between Oracle and Google), people reading this site will care. A LOT.

I know you're a troll an all that, but sadly, many don't see how immediate any change like this can have to their own lives. I personally think discrimination bias should absolutely be investigated and addressed on a case by case basis, though considering they found no obvious discrimination then mission accomplished! Just like John Oliver's Infrastructure segment: "Congratulations guys, nothing happened!".

Comment Re:Dangerous Precedent (Score 2) 237

Did you miss how the US does block international internet casinos in direct opposition to their WIPO obligations? Did you miss how some tiny island nations notable for their internet gambling can now consume all US IP for nothing and legally (at least to WIPO treaties)?

This was years ago now, but the US has long ago jumped down that hole.

Comment Re:Ugh. Let it die. (Score 3, Insightful) 166

BSG was a rewrite of a terrible though nostalgic 70's TV show. X-Files for its time was pretty good. If they can reboot the franchise, why wouldn't the quality of the show improve in this case? Right, it doesn't fit your narrative.

The fact that TV has gotten better is a testament to modern TV's higher standards, and we can all applaud that. As for if the show's any good, only time will tell. Flaming a production we know essentially nothing about seems a little disingenuous.

Comment Re:From a simpler era (Score 1) 95

At least since the Java 1.4-ish era of security, depending on the security manager in place, you could retain complete sandbox mode while allowing for specific access to sensitive information (like fs access) on demand. it certainly is laborious having to continually prompt users to let them do things. I would've leaned more toward android like security bundling where you'd have to specifically 'install' the applet, but then it has some level of systems integration with a bundle of security permissions granted all up front (and rare sensitive ones granted on demand like I think IOS does it), but hell hindsight is 20/20. Oracle could still hypothetically do it, but with the boondoggle of JavaFX, who knows if there's anyone with creativity, 'balls', and buy-in left in the company to make it happen.

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