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Comment Re:Sadly,... (Score -1, Flamebait) 180

Since we outsourced all web development work to india (probably couldn't tell, could you?), we asked our slashdice indians for their thoughts on the matter. They said (don't downvote the messenger!) that indians are half black, half asian -- they love to rape but have small dicks. When you consider those two factors, we should just be glad the situation isn't worse!

Comment lol (Score 4, Informative) 250

Kind of funny how most of the articles bury (if they even mention it at all) Real (buffering) Network's connection. To put everything in context, The iPod could play unprotected mp3s, aacs, and wavs. They could also play FairPlay DRM files purchased through the iTunes store. Real (buffering) Networks wanted to sell music that could play on iPods but they also wanted their DRM.

Fuck you DRM, and fuck you Real (buffering) Networks. Good riddance to both of you.

Comment I know what you mean! (Score 2) 114

Why just today, we clicked the wrong button! Instead of deleting Bennett Hasselton's inane ramblings, it got pushed to the slashdice front page! Our bad! We were going to fire samzenpus but it turns out he's just a perl script and the perl programmers we hired from were actually pearl brogrammers and can't figure out how to fix it.

Comment Birds (Score 1) 115

Are you retarded? Bird strikes are a real problem (remember Chesley Sullenberger landing that plane on the Hudson river?). Once you consider general aviation aircraft (which outnumber "full size airplanes") it becomes much more serious.

Protip: if you're flying a drone/rc aircraft/whatever near a fucking class B airport you're violating several existing regulations, which is to say it has been a restricted activity for decades.

Comment Re:Here we go again (Score 2) 496

Don't forget homophobic! I remember back in the day when linux was the alternative OS for people with alternative lifestyles. I guess GLBT crowd went mac and linux was overtaken by jocks and religious types. And with Android, Linux may have "won" but the loser wasn't Microsoft, it was Linux users. I say it's time to bring the glory (hole) back to linux. June 9th (that's 6/9) should be Hug your LUG day -- a day when linux users can go to their Linux User Group and have some good old fashioned gay sex.

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