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Comment Re:Hideous? (Score 1) 337

I think that's a "people" problem.

Anybody who does research needs to do so thoroughly.

Back when I was a kid, George Washington had wooden teeth and chopped down a cheery tree. Later, he was a slave owner.

Things change.

Google can help tell the whole story, from initial falsehood to corrected version (or reverse).

The fact that someone WAS wrongly accused is an important part of the story you cite.

Comment Re:Bullshit ... (Score 2) 173

Your logic is no more flawed than the crazy thinking of people in charge of the nation's security and can't get it right.

I'll bet you a hundred dollars to a whole in a doughnut that one or both of the following are true:

1.) The nation's computer systems are unpatched

2.) Government employees got phished by email or web link.

What say you?

Comment Bullshit ... (Score 2) 173

... you're placing this at the feet of Republicans and Democrats when you don't know bullshit from wild honey.

OPM is not a fucking Super PAC.

It's the government. It's federal employees, managers, administrators, people who, by and large, are not subjected to turnover.

You're not going to solve this with the goddam vote.

Go home.

Comment Re:Like water (Score 1) 45


Governments and ISPs don't have anything that that users don't have. It's a level playing field except for one important set of parameters:

There are a shitload more people NOT associated with government or ISP, giving those people much higher odds of containing a subset of people MUCH more clever than governments and ISPs.

We all have the same computing hardware and software, and social media provides a push-down path for those of us who are not as gifted to benefit from those who are, even if it means we have cottage industries crop up.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
