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Comment Re:Africa man... (Score -1, Troll) 74

You have forgotten the worst illness of all. Homo Sapiens. Its a parasite when it lives in its home, and tries not to destroy it. Its an illness when it lives without even caring for anything except for itself, not even recognizing the long term disadvantage it can endure by heavily damaging its host. Lets hope the illness becomes a parasite, and don't kill itself by phenomena called "third world war".

Comment Re:Linux could own the desktop... (Score 1) 727

True, its too hard for most new open source software to become accepted by debian. I like it rather this way than the microsoft app store way: full of scamware. That doesn't mean I like it the way it is right now. I agree think that desktop linux is only something for geeks and the only-mail-and-internet grandma. Still I use kubuntu.

KDE shouldn't waste their resources to redesign with every release, but they should rather work on exposing more system features through the GUI, and make it more stable. The average user shouldn't need to use the console.

Comment TFS isn't precise (Score 2) 457

TFA didn't target the random goatse cluttering up comment systems, but they've targeted real evil trolls harming people, obviously a reaction to Zelda William's quitting to twitter.

For me, its funny when a companies naming competition gets trolled, but targeted campaigns against innocent people are truly too much even for me.

Comment Re:So ... (Score 1) 218

If someone does it in the US, the USA would have just yet another humanity-endangering weapon. If someone does it in Iran, it would be Iran's only one. Therefore the risk is greater that the weapon will actually be used. And if it were only used as deturrent, Iran would emerge as new power. US already has a UN security council veto chair, so there is nothing to disturb here in the world's country hierarchy.

Comment Leave the choice to the user (Score 1) 383

Now thats something innovative DARPA could do: I don't want biometrics, but perhaps someone else might like it, as they don't care much for computers, and would have used a 12345qwert like password.

Come on, most of these authentication methods are inferior, I just don't have the abilities I have with passwords: evil people have to beat me with a stick until they know my password instead of just having to cut off my finger, I can change it whenever I want, a password doesn't identify me (I can stay anon), I can give it to someone else, and when I am eating (drinking, got my finger cut off because someone wanted to break into another computer of mine) something I can enter the password with my other hand, without changing the way my hand tremors.

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