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Comment Re:We don't know (Score 3, Insightful) 160

Also note that she said "strong indications of life" not actually finding definitive proof of life. I think she's probably talking something along the lines of a spectrum analysis finding a chemical in the atmosphere of a foreign body that's associated with life, or finding some microbes on Europa or something. But if we're going to do it by 2025, we'll need some pretty huge leaps forward, and very fast. And the idea that we'll be putting anyone on Mars by 2025 is laughable. Maybe 2125, and even that's unlikely given the current funding levels of most space programs.

Comment No astronauts are getting their asses to Mars (Score 3, Insightful) 160

Stofan thinks putting astronauts on Mars will be a big part of that goal.

In that case, you're going to be in for a VERY long wait. Man may one day set foot on Mars, but it won't be any time within our liftetimes, and they won't be wearing a NASA patch on their spacesuit.

Comment Re:If it's not safe enough to have pilots... (Score 1) 460

(one in a million pilots homicidal? replace pilots with computers!).

I just got a flashback to the opening scenes of Wargames, when the Pentagon's response to the humanity of their nuclear launch commanders was to replace them with an automated system. They expected the automated system to be perfect, and a much better alternative to squishy emotional humans. I mean, it's TECHNOLOGY, right? What could possibly go wrong?

Comment Re:Sensors wrong (Score 2) 460

When humans make mistakes, they are generally far more rational and adaptable than a computer when it comes to recognizing them and making corrections. When a computer fucks up, it will usually chug right along on a clearly irrational path until some human steps in and reboots the fucking thing.

Comment Re:Wrong profession (Score 1) 201

In some government departmets corruption is so prevalent that the honest people are not trusted. That if you didn't take bribes everyone else in the office treated you with suspicion, that because you weren't as vulnerable as them to possible criminal charges they thought you might rat them out. You basically couldn't get your job done because no one wanted to have anything to do with you.

There is actually an expression for that in American English: "Go along to get along." I've heard it used mostly in reference to police corruption.

Comment Re:Not gonna happen (Score 1) 383

If Obama would stop warning the Israelis off of bombing the shit out Iranian enrichment plants (and actively denying them airspace travel through Iraq to do it), this whole question would have been settled long ago.

Only if the question is "How do we even further destabilize the middle east, and possibly start WWIII?"

Comment Re:Not gonna happen (Score 5, Insightful) 383

They're going to get nuclear weapons if there ISN'T a deal. Rejecting the deal will only assure it. At lease this deal gives us a chance to stall it, or maybe make some headway on becoming finally more friendly. You know "friendly," as in they're one of only two allies who can help to really fight Isis (the other being the Assad regime in Syria). "Friendly" as in WE FUCKING NEED THEM.

The only other option is to go to war with them and overthrow the government. And we saw how wonderfully that turned out in Iraq, didn't we?

So, are you going to add another state to the caliphate or deal?

Comment If no deal, then Iran *will* get nukes (Score 4, Insightful) 383

From the second the GW Bush made his crazy ill-advised "Axis of Evil" speech and then proceeded to invade one of those Axis members, it was pretty much guaranteed that Iran and North Korea would pursue nukes (and NK has already succeeded). They're not stupid. They know nukes are the only way to assure you won't be invaded or overthrown by the U.S.

So if you don't suck up to Iran and give them a deal that says "We're not going to invade you if you'll just play ball," then it's really only a matter of time. Mossad can car-bomb all the scientists it wants. The U.S. can release a hundred Stuxnets. But eventually it WILL happen.

So if you don't give them a deal, you're really only assuring it. Now, maybe they'll still do it anyway. But at least this way there is a CHANCE they won't.

Comment Re:The future of console games (Score 2) 249

in Canada if you sell a digital good to a customer you must continue and provide access to it if you do not provide a physical media.

I'm curious how they plan to enforce that when a company goes out of business and is liquidated. Issue a summons to their old HQ building, informing anyone inside that they must keep the servers running? Find all the former employees at their new companies and tell them they have to get the old band back together or else? Send a harshly-worded letter to the people who bought the old servers at auction?

About the only practical thing they could do would be to demand that the company issue customer refunds in the final days before it goes belly-up. But if the company is bankrupt, it's unlikely customers will see any of that money once the creditors are done with whatever's left.

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