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Comment Re:Why at a place of learning? (Score 1) 1007

This isn't about free speech. The idiots can make whatever claim they wish but NOT using the School in propaganda.
Most socialists, like most Capitalist Running Dogs, can be convinced by evidence (see David Brooks and Milton Friedman for examples of both)
Religionists cannot, therefore have no place in claiming to 'debate'

Comment Thank Scalia (Score 1) 424

When he spoke at Georgetown about civil seizure, standards of evidence and double jeopardy, his answer was, and here I paraphrase, No one is being punished. The money is being punished and so the Constitution does not apply.
Think about it next time you have a few dollars in your bank account from the sale of that old car in your front yard.
they can take it all for no reason whatever, thanks to Scalia et al..

Comment Re:WMDs? Chemical weapons? Wait, what? (Score 1) 376

Gave you the link from THAT TIME.
The only revisionism was your claim that SADDAM ejected the inspectors
As the NY Times story illustrated (as quoted by USA today), it was BUSH who gave the order.
Bush had no right at all to remove those NON WEAPONS, those DECAYED LEFTOVERS that were fully declared by Saddam's Government and the intel handed to Blix
Just the way it works if you actually remember History instead of FAux Lies.

Comment RICO (Score 0) 54

This is a coordinated conspiracy by several agencies acting in common to violate antitrust law
Why is anyone talking anything but how many years imprisonment for all of senior management for all companies involved?
Seriously, you want honest companies obeying the law, ENFORCE THE LAW with maximum penalties for all involved. ALL.
If Larry Ellison really did conspire, he belongs in prison, 100% of his income for the last 18 years seized, 300% of corporate gains attributed to lost wages seized and all HR and accountants involved imprisoned or flipped.
The evidence will be relinquished by the small fry and the bosses will burn and THEN this kind of criminal conspiracy will not happen again
Too little law applied to too many too big 1% is how America crashed in 2001 and 2007. Let's not repeat stupid

Comment Wait, what? (Score 3, Insightful) 253

"help women be more productive as human beings" is NOT the same as the result of this process.
What Apple et al are doing is helping women be more PROFITABLE FOR THE SHAREHOLDERS as work units, not as Human Beings.
Seriously, if "human being" really means "Work Unit" to these people, maybe it is time to find another employer.

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