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Submission + - Straight-up operant conditioning (

An anonymous reader writes: When the University of Victoria in Canada opened a new campus bike centre in the parkade located under the University Centre last November, motion-activated doors were installed to discourage swallows from nesting in the new facility. But when the swallows returned to their familiar nest sites a few weeks ago, they were undeterred by this peculiar impediment: they quickly learned how to open the doors by flying in front of the infrared motion detector, as you see in this video:

Comment Re:really? (Score 2) 115

...and mining is eventually rendered useless...

Huh? With bitcoin, the mining process is how transactions are validated. No mining, no transactions. How do you think it could ever be rendered useless?

When will a candy bar cost .0001 bitcoins?

Difficult to say. But you can get candy bars for around .0016BTC (+shipping) from here.

Comment Re:My plan is to wait and see (Score 2) 214

The point was that Adobe has no plans currently to change because of Aperture's availability as a competitor.

According to this, Adobe is "doubling down" on LR in response to Apple's decision.

Of course, their VP of Products/Digital Imaging could be lying...but then his post on the Photoshop Blog would be pretty foolish, wouldn't it?

Comment Re:Check some Facts (Score 1) 214

That's an interesting read - thanks for the link. The author makes some compelling arguments, but there's little in the way of hard facts in that article.

I'd also note that the author seems to have a bias against Adobe, as evidenced by his dismissive comments regarding Adobe's response to the Aperture news.

Comment Re:Forest, Trees, Proverbial. (Score 1) 33

A tree can't very well wash away an infection that has invaded its leaves.

The only real way is to drop its leaves.

If you've walked in the woods often enough, you'd see this.

-- BMO

mmm..."infection" is quite a broader term than "fungi" - but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're not moving the goalposts.

In any case, may I suggest you ask yourself "what do leaves do, and how do they do it?" Then ask yourself "what are the conditions required for fungi to propagate?"

After thinking about your answers, ask yourself why leaves would *ever* need protection from fungal infections.

(hint: fungi infect trees through the roots/bark wounds for a reason)

Comment Re:Forest, Trees, Proverbial. (Score 2) 33

If you thought about it for a second, deciduousness in itself is a scheme to battle fungi too.

I think you might be thinking too hard. Water conservation in colder climes/drought conditions is the most often mentioned advantage of flora shedding their leaves. I've never heard "battling fungi" mentioned as an advantage for "deciduousness" until now.

Comment Re:The worlds largest optical/near-IR telescope (Score 2) 76

World's largest fully-steerable single-dish telescope - the Arecibo Observatory is larger still at a diameter of 300m! (Impressive Arecibo exploration video here.

I guess "fully steerable" means "within ~20 of zenith" to you. But that's not what the rest of the world considers "fully steerable".

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