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Comment Re:Why Own? (Score 1) 252

Why wouldn't the future be nearly everyone taking a robo-Uber whenever they need to? In the future, driving or owning a car will be just another interesting hobby.

Already the future in places like Hong Kong and Singapore where nearly no-one owns private transport. They are largely clean and crime free cities though, how do you deal with the situation when the previous passenger does a shit in the car that comes to pick you up? If we can't get public trains, buses and toilets right, there's no way and shared robot car service will ever work.

Comment Re:Details (Score 1) 141

Well Olga, your shitty joke will now be an example of the Streisand effect.

I think a lot of people don't realise what this actually means as it gets used a lot in thew wrong context. In this case, the non-name comedian is actually looking for publicity and getting it. There is no Streisand Effect, simply a play at attention which appears to be working.

Comment Re:Pure undulterated bullshit (Score 2) 204

"Actually, hardly anyone wants to buy this software yet. The best thing that could happen would be it would catch on fire on pirate networks. That's called free marketing."

The most enjoyable thing about watching Dragon's Den/Shark Tank is how these startups come through the door thinking their great idea is about to take the world by storm. Invariably the first question asked by the Dragons/Sharks is, "how many have you sold"? And the last question is usually, "would you prefer 50% of something, or 100% of nothing"?
Most people leave empty handed never to be heard of again.

Comment Re: They're not going to arrest him! (Score 1) 312

Our country, with its massive stockpile of nuclear weapons has absolutely no right telling Iran that they can't have their own.

I think they do. It's called self preservation.
I'm not American, and the US has plenty of flaws, but out of all the bullies in the yard, I'm quite happy America is the biggest. Sometimes principals have to give way to practicality, and equal rights is not something we should be handing out to religious nutbags that want to kill us.
Same goes for "right to bear arms". In principal it sounds nice, the reality though is it results in more innocent people being killed. Having rights doesn't mean much if you are dead.

Comment Re:Existing Law (Score 1) 312

, I'd say there's no reason for another law in this case.

Good thing we live in a democracy and what you say is only one opinion.
I'd be willing to bet that most people won't want drone mounted guns flying around over their schools, and hence new laws will be created to maintain peace and order. This is precisely why we have a functioning government and our society is more advanced than those states without out them.

Comment Re:Not all workers are equal. (Score 1) 430

Now, because all four have the same job title, the critical question: should the company go back and increase the three other workers' pay to the same pay rate of the fourth worker with the specialized skill?

We pay our employees based on skills and experience, not titles. If the 4th person has skills the other three don't then of course you can pay them more. That is precisely how it should work.

Comment Re:Growing square footage, population... good luck (Score 1) 80

Growing square footage, population... good luck.

It's a lot easier to be more efficient in higher density areas. A metro rail line for example can replace 100,000 cars, and anything electric can be offset by buying carbon credits. Not saying it will be easy, but it's good to see someone is trying.

Comment Re:Me Too (Score 1) 80

Big crowded smelly cities are obsolete.

Everyone has different needs. Having lived in smallsville and megacity, I prefer the later. Being able to go to a vast array of restaurants, shows and sports, having varied work options and friends, and being close to an International Airport are all requirements. This is not for everyone, but there are strong statistics that suggest the majority of people think the same.

Comment Re:Existing Law (Score 1) 312

but you don't need to make another law because you feel threatened by the brave/stupid things people choose to do with their life and property.

So thousands of years of creating and refining laws can stop now in 2015? If this is the pinnacle of human existence then you have a very weak imagination.

Comment Re: They're not going to arrest him! (Score 1) 312

Oh that old gag...

A credible threat of bodily injury should be a crime. The specific means of accomplishing that should be irrelevant.

My friend of mine killed a man with one punch once upon a time, we should make all hands illegal.
Iran should be allowed nukes as long as they don't use them.

Somewhere in there the logic doesn't add up....

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