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Comment bad ide (Score 1) 198

proprietary stuff like this in cars is a bad idea. Look at all those cars from 200x that had startacs integrated... how dated. It may seem inconceivable for apple to disappear before the end of life for the car, but apple had no problem changing their connector cable and obsoleting millions of add on devices.
There needs to be something platform agnostic.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 731

There's a tonne of difference between the two.

Your credit card gets compromised and you lose no money, the bank is the one whose money is being withheld.
Your debit card gets compromised and your money is in limbo until the problem is resolved. If you happen to have multiple transactions bounce because your balance has been compromised, you will be in a world of hurt for weeks or months.

So since the topic is CREDIT cards, that is the topic.

Comment Re:It's about time. (Score 4, Insightful) 731

This puts the risk entirely on the consumer side. They have to monitor their account daily now.

Your debit card is somehow compromised, someone makes a purchase with it that takes your account to well below the balance you expect to be there, your rent is due and has been set to be paid and the balance in your account is hundreds less than you expect it to be.
Rent bounces, you're charged a fee. Or better yet, your bank approves the rent to go through and you are negative, all your other charges go through for lunch, for groceries, whatever. You get hit with fees for all these transactions. Then you have to fight with the bank.

Yeah, no risk at all.

This may sound hypothetical but I assure you, it's not.

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