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Comment Re:ramps were for profit, not cripples (Score 1) 50

talking to myself here, probably.

  this slash makes me itch, really should read the article, however.

this statement

"carried on litters or stretchers -- both easier to navigate up a ramp"

is entirely false.

it may seem true, without experience, but just try it.

you may get up a short ramp, carrying a heavy weight, of any kind, without much effort, but i will happily race you, even at my age, up any serious flight of stairs, compared with any equivalent ramp, your choice of slope, and we will see whose hamstrings last the longest.

this slash talks rubbish, and although i should not waste time on this, i will now go read the article - thank you.

Comment ramps were for profit, not cripples (Score 1) 50

talking off the top of my head, without citation.

most of these sites, as far as we know, were built in the later eras of the faiths they represent, and were run by large groups and usually powerful groups of officiates, who usually fed themselves on the sacrifices of the faithful.

those ramps were to make it easier for the faithful to deliver sacrifices, on wheels.

i bet you.

Comment please correct me? (Score 1) 182

am i wrong to think that the Huawei / USA hardware debate is really just about which country gets to install it's own spyware?

i have no basis on which to make this assumption, it just seems obvious, to me, that this is what is happening.

what chance have we, the unwashed masses, of influencing the matter?

in my opinion it does not really matter which hardware is used, only that it is completely open to public scrutiny.

that there can be no security through obscurity should be made a law.

how do we make this happen?

Submission + - to solving the "downcast gaze" effect in video calls

rewindustry writes: 1. surely this has been tried already?
2. it should work, i think, so why is it not ubiquitous?
3. put two backward facing cameras on opposite edges of the screen, either left/right or top/bottom.
4. interpolate by algorithm to produce an image that puts the viewpoint anywhere along a line between the two cameras.
5. many options to adjust the viewpoint on one axis, and the displayed incoming video on the other, to match the eye lines properly, either manually, or by algorithm.

i should presume this sort of thing exists already, yes?

Comment andrew clinick = horrible person (Score 1) 67

given that i am only looking at a quote from clinick, which may be taken out of it's full context, i am disgusted by the choice of words.

everything in this statement is an advertisement for andy's product, and there is no apology at all, they just failed to live up to their own marketing shill.

i try to like microsoft, honestly i do, but they are such backward creeps, sometimes.

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