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Comment Re:Let's Not Get Ahead of Ourselves Here (Score 2, Informative) 705

I'm not a hard scifi nazi like some people; I enjoyed me some District 9. But the biggest plot hole in the movie is the fuel causing genetic mutation. That's just ridiculous. But it was completely necessary to the plot as written. And, I loved the ending :)

Why does everyone think that canister was fuel? I don't remember if they ever mentioned it was fuel. Was it mentioned? Anyway the mothership moved without it, the problem was that component was damaged in the small ship. We don't know their history, technology, hierarchy. Actually we know nothing about them. The liquid could have been something biological (virus, bacteria, queen's blood, ... ) which would explain the mutation of the guy. That canister thing could have been anything. It could have been a computer component (fuse, circuit, gelpack ala ST:voyager) that transmits data/energy/something using the liquid. The ship's "key" that uses the bio-liquid inside to grant permission to use it. There are lots of explanations, don't know why everyone is fixated on "fuel". Maybe they said it and I forgot but I really dont remember it.

Comment Re:Ad blocking (Score 2, Funny) 299

Okay, you win.

You must be new to the internets, you never say "You win", you try to:

  • 1. destroy his credibility
  • 2. criticize his sources
  • 3. call him a noob/troll/nazi
  • 4. if you are losing the argument just say you have better things to do that to explain simple things to ignorant people.

If you can mix all of them in one it's an instant argument win:

  1. Look you gene nazi (3), you cant trust anything written in wikipedia (2) you probably added that entry yourself! (1). Anyway I'm not going to waste my time trying to educate (4) a noob (3) like you. Just go back to your parents basement (1), you troll (3).

Hope I was of some help to you....


This Is Your Brain On Magnets — Or Maybe Not 59

conspirator23 writes "Jon Hamilton of National Public Radio brings us a story about 'voodoo correlations' in fMRI studies that seek to learn more about emotional states, personality, and social cognition in the human brain. Many of us outside the scientific community have been treated to fascinating images of brain activity and corresponding explanations about how the images reveal which portions of the brain are engaged in certain kinds of thinking. But these images are not actual snapshots; they are visualizations of data generated by repeated scans during experiments. Flaws in the statistical methods used by researchers can result in false images with a variety of inaccuracies. Yet the images produced are so vivid and engaging that even other neuroscientists can be misled by them."

Comment Where is Dr Zoidberg? (Score 1) 860

Dr. Zoidberg: Now open your mouth and lets have a look at that brain.
[Fry opens his mouth]
Dr. Zoidberg: No, no, not that mouth.
Fry: I only have one.
Dr. Zoidberg: Really?
Fry: Uh... is there a human doctor around?
Dr. Zoidberg: Young lady, I am an expert on humans. Now pick a mouth, open it and say "brglgrglgrrr"!
Fry: Uh... brglgrglgrglgrrr!
Dr. Zoidberg: What? My mother was a saint! Get out!

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